May 16, 2014 at 10:34 a.m.

JetGate: Mr Premier, I hope it’s not true

Why can’t you come out and address the allegations made against you?
JetGate: Mr Premier, I hope it’s not true
JetGate: Mr Premier, I hope it’s not true

By Eron Hill- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Dear Hon. Mr Premier,

There is a report that suggests you may have attempted to strike a deal with a US developer in exchange for a financial contribution ahead of the 2012 general election. Is this true, Mr Premier? Did you sell out our country? The thought that the man in our highest office would do such a thing deeply saddens me as a young man growing up in Bermuda. I want to believe that it’s not true, but your silence, Mr Premier, it’s not helping. If there was nothing to hide couldn’t you just explain and address the issues and allegations faced in the report? 

Suspiciousness, secrecy, and silence seem to be the motto of your government and it really concerns me that the government of which you are the leader continue to offend the intelligence of the Bermudian people with utter rhetoric and blatant disregard for the people. 

I humbly request that you stop deviating from the issue and saying we need to deal with the people’s “real business”. With the greatest degree of respect, Mr Premier, integrity in government is one of the realest pieces of business that needs to be addressed. 

I took the matter to my peers. Perhaps you care to hear what some of our young people have to say on this recent issue:

“No public official that is accountable to the people of Bermuda should ever refuse to answer questions such as this and in addition if there is substantial evidence it should be investigated accordingly. Allegations of corruption are everyone’s business.”

— male, age 18

“There is no way to have a transparent government if allegations are not addressed by our ‘highest’ office. It shows that they don’t care, allegations like that spread doubt amongst people, the people should be reassured by their government that the government has the people’s best interest at heart. Without its assurances, the people should rightfully be in a state of doubt over their governments interest. I think he needs to address the allegations again, and clarify what exactly went on.”

— male, 21

“That’s a hot mess situation he needs to speak up. This is not the first time he is not facing rumours and slander besides the allegations as Premier he needs to address and make statements or comment and stop having attitudes and stumping off like a child. Toward the allegations themselves remaining silent may be a good option as the premier doesn’t possess the political etiquette”

— female , 22

“As a young Bermudian in a world full of deception, I too often feel that my trust is misplaced. It is because of situations like these that general statements such as “you can’t trust the government” exist. The government put in power for the good of the people (most times) and for the good of the country, however without trust, it is hard to grab people to follow any cause that you deem important as the people in charge. I feel that the Premier should address them by sitting down and answering all their questions. It is only fair that the people under his leadership, the public, should hear his answers.”

— male student, age 18

How are we the people of this country to trust this government to deal with what you call the people’s “real business” if we can’t trust you with matters like this? 

This is not an insignificant matter; this matter goes to the very heart of integrity, and is exposing the lack thereof. This is an opportunity, Mr Premier, an opportunity to prove to the people of Bermuda that you are a strong, capable leader that this island is in need of. Face the allegations, address them, and explain what it is that you did or did not do. Failing to do the latter is only going to keep this issue alive.

Mr Premier, maybe you feel the Opposition don’t deserve an answer, but what about the people of Bermuda, the youth of Bermuda, will you ignore us as well? 

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