June 6, 2014 at 3:16 a.m.
Celebs have their hands full against young cricket stars
It will be a dash of fun as the 11 and Under Allstars take on some of Bermuda’s celebrities on Saturday at the National Sports Centre.
Premier Michael Dunkley will be among the celebs trying to get the better of the young cricket stars, as will Hiscox Re CEO, Jeremy Pinchin.
Hiscox, which is sponsoring the event, has been backing Bermuda’s cricket for nine years and the Under-11s for the past six seasons.
He said: “We feel that what the cricket board is giving is an opportunity for young kids in Bermuda, girls and boys, to come out and play sport in an organized fashion at no cost to them — everything’s provided.”
Pinchin added: “It teaches them good life skills. They learn how to play as part of a team, a bit of discipline but also a lot of fun. This is a very important age to give that teamwork and spirit and hopefully that bug catches them and carries on through and be good for Bermuda.”
He said it should give the young players something purposeful to do “even if they don’t become a player for Bermuda, they can carry on playing cricket and have good fun”.
Pinchin said he loved sport as a youth growing up.
“I maybe spent too much time playing sport and not enough doing work, but I caught up with it at the end. I played a lot of cricket at school and I played second team, rather than first team. I’m more of a rugby player than a cricket player but I have a passion for the game.”
The Hiscox CEO made his debut in this match last year and is proud that the event has won a global award from the ICC.
“It’s been recognized worldwide as a fantastic cricket initiative.”
Youth team: Jarryd Richardson, Rey Dill, Marco Basden, Eijaz, Leilannie Nesbeth, Dominic Sabir, Laje’ Franklin, Alex Withers-Clarke, Deniche Hill, Keith Whorms, Jamar Stovel, Zaire Williams, Madison Marshall and the winner of 11 & Under Skills and Drills Competition.
Celebrity Team: Premier Michael Dunkley, Jeremy Pinchin, Wayne Scott, Janeiro Tucker, Deputy Governor Ginny Ferson, Justin Freisenbruch, Michael Weeks, Power Girl, Patricia Gordon-Pamblin, Ryan Mather, Nadanja, Damien Smith, Antoine Daniels, Nicholas Thuell, Charles Gosling, Justin Keith, DJ Bitsy, Peter Gadeke, John Layfield, Don Burgess, Nick Abendanon, Jemma Henry, Justin Donawa, Bevis Telow, Chris Hayward, Emily Birrell, Peter Stubbings, Seamus MacLoughlin, Ian Thompson, Chris Dart, Adrian van der Merwe, Allan Douglas, Wayne Furbert, Tucker Murphy, Joe Bonanno and Natsha Oldknow.
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