July 29, 2014 at 6:35 p.m.
Crown and Anchor lessons this Wednesday at Harbour Nights
With the Cup Match holiday festivities commencing on Thursday, Harbour Nights is doing its part to educate tourists and residents on how to play the ever-popular Crown and Anchor game! This week Wednesday Ms. Hattie Armstrong will be stationed near Calypso on Front Street and, using “Monopoly-style” money, she will teach the ins and outs of the traditional Cup Match board game.
Crown and Anchor is a dice game which originated in the 18th century and was traditionally played by sailors in the Royal Navy, British Merchants and fishing fleets. The annual Cup Match cricket game, which is held on Emancipation Day and Somers’ Day, is the most popular venue for the game to be played in Bermuda.
Kendaree Burgess, Executive Director of Bermuda Chamber of Commerce said, “This game of Crown and Anchor is as much a part of Cup Match as cricket, and knowing the rules of play will put you in better standing. Every year the Chamber looks to improve on the entertainment and this is just another activity we feel will engage both locals and tourists.”
Be sure to come out to our HSBC sponsored Harbour Nights this week to learn all you can about how to play the game, so you can better you chances at the real thing this holiday!
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