July 19, 2014 at 9:05 p.m.
Parish Council connects with community at Pembroke Fun Day
Dozens of residents from the Pembroke area attended the Community Fun Day sponsored by the Pembroke Parish. The event was was held at Bernard's Park today (Saturday) from 1 to 5 pm. Besides an information booth giving residents a reintroduction of what the Pembroke Parish Council offers, representatives from PRIDE Bermuda, the Bermuda Small Business Development Corporation, Bermuda Red Cross Big Brothers Big Sisters Bermuda and The Department of Workforce Development, were also in attendance.
Children and adults took turns trying to soak their peers as they sat under the water balloon drop, with Council Member Nick Kempe the first to get get drenched.
"It's all in good fun so I don't mind," he said. "But I'm gunning for the next person to sit in the chair."
Although expecting more residents to attend, Mr. Kempe he was happy to see the numbers of people who came out, especially since the Pembroke Parish Council has been relatively dormant over the last few years.
"This was just the beginning of a host of events we'd like to put on. One of our aims today was to reintroduce ourselves to the Pembroke community and let them know that we are working to improve communication with them going forward."
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