July 17, 2014 at 10:37 p.m.
Last week’s photo...
A class in motor mechanics being taught at the fondly remembered and sadly missed Bermuda Technical Institute on Roberts Avenue, dated 1961, was the subject of last week’s photo.We thank the following people who contacted us to explain the history contained in the archive photo: Ed Benevides, Al Wilson, Peter Trott, Randy Butler, Dana Lovell, Joanna Wellman, Fred Ming, George Courtney Jr, Neville Tyrrell, Christopher Famous, Peter Hardy, Carlton Sanders, Patricia Finnerty and Gina Dowling. Neville Tyrrell said of the teacher: “Anyone who ever attended the Bermuda Technical Institute (Day or Night Student) would readily remember the Instructor as Mr. George Henderson (aka Barney Rubbles) lecturing in the Mechanical Workshop.”
Mr. Henderson was the head of the Motor Vehicle Department and originally hailed from Hamden, Scotland. Peter Hardy, who took an evening class with Mr. Henderson, said: “George made a great contribution to the training of Bermudians.”
Christopher Famous and Dana Lovell studied under him at the Bermuda College in the 1980s, two decades after this photo was taken.
Mr Lovell even noticed that the diagram on the left of the photo was the same one used when he was a student.
The students in the photo have been recognized as Carlos Estravit on the left with his back to the camera, and Malcolm Swan standing next to the ladder (both were prefects, according to Mr. Tyrrell).
The young man on the far right has been identified as Dane Brown, whereas the names offered for the student in the centre of the photo, next to the engine, are either Sheldon Furbert or Reginald Minors.
Can anyone confirm who he is?

Next class… We continue to feature Bermuda College ahead of their 40th anniversary on July 22nd.
Today, we leap ahead a few years to a new building and a different class. What can you tell us about it? Contact Gary Foster Skelton at [email protected] or 278-1880
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