July 8, 2014 at 10:49 p.m.
New fish fry concession for Government House waterfront
The Ministry of Public Works wishes to advise the public that Mr. Bertram Fraser has been given permission by the Parks Commission to use the far eastern end of Government House Waterfront to operate a small mobile concession on the property with removable tables and chairs for patrons to use. Parks Officer Mr. Craig Burt said: “Mr. Fraser is passionate about trying to improve his neighbourhood and provide positive outlets and experiences for the community and visitors alike. Mr. Fraser is clear with regard to the guidelines, terms and conditions of the Department of Parks and the National Parks Commission.”
Although the concession will be primarily in the form of fish fry, other foods may be available with other vendors, including members of the North Village community, providing Bermuda arts and crafts and Bermuda made drinks such as Mauby. Mr. Fraser has also expressed the idea of having the North Village Football Club members working with his concession to raise funds for their programmes.
The public should be made aware that in order for the area to be conducive to various activities, inclusive of community gatherings, the land was graded and measures were taken to prevent erosion in the surrounding areas.
Additionally, portions of the fence extension on the eastern boundary have already been installed to prevent cliff erosion in this location and ensure the safety of vehicles.
The boundary wall on the water’s edge patio and the steps surrounding the area will receive an uplift. These areas have suffered from years of neglect.
The Department of Parks is actively working to improve the aesthetics of this area and the Ducking Stool area will be next to upgrade.
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