October 7, 2013 at 2:37 p.m.
At the Argus Building on Friday, volunteer supervisors and prospective interviewers were trained by representatives from the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) on the survey process and use of the PDA's (personal digital assistant) which will be used by interviewers in the field for data collection.
“It was a triumphant week of training with 55 interviewers being trained along with 10 supervisors,” said Chief Medical Officer Dr. Cheryl Peek-Ball. “In addition, over 30 healthcare professionals have volunteered to assist with STEP 3 (biochemical measurements), and they attended the Thursday evening training session. It was a packed house.”
STEPS to a Well Bermuda utilizes the Pan-American Health Organization’s STEPwise approach to chronic diseases risk factor surveillance as a simple, standardized method for collecting, analyzing and disseminating data for chronic disease risk factors. The approach encourages the collection of health information on a regular and continuing basis using a standard methodology to detect trends over time by age and gender using a representative sample of the adult population. 2656 households have been selected using simple random sampling.
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