December 6, 2013 at 12:12 a.m.

Revealing... I was a nerd and a good student

Revealing... I was a nerd and a good student
Revealing... I was a nerd and a good student

By Mikaela Ian [email protected] | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Milton Raposo has been working in TV/Film production for the last nine years in Bda. He lived in London for six years working at the Shepherds Bush Empire, Brixton Academy and the Islington Academy.

In the time he has been back in Bermuda, he co-founded Greenrock in 2005 and has been a fixture and board member of the Chewstick Foundation. Music is a big part of Milton’s life. He’s played in numerous bands.

With Joy T Barnum or Chewstick, he’s opened up for Lykke Li, Kid Koala, Toni Braxton, Alice Stuart, Langhorne Slim and shared a stage with Heather Nova.

He has also made films about various parts of Bermuda and is still working on Fabric: The History of the Portuguese in Bermuda. In 2012, he started Method Media, a media and film production company.

On Saturday, he is performing with DIA and Joy at Live BDA, the Philippines fundraiser at Pier Six. 

 Your earliest memory?

My dad teaching me to ride a bike. All I remember is him saying was “Peddle, peddle!!!” Then I spun off an embankment.  

What were you like in school?

I was a nerd and a good student. I was friends with everyone and alternated between different social groups — the cool kids, the book worms, the athletes, the arty kids. I don’t like cliques or silly exclusive clubs. It’s still a trait I’ve retained except the nerd part of course. 

Who is your hero/heroine?

It’s easy to say mom and dad and that’s true but it could be someone like Edward R Murrow who used his job and craft the right way to hold back the forces of evil of his era. He was a news man. 

Which human trait do you dislike the most?

Misrepresentation and spin. I wish Bermuda was a more litigious society so people would think twice before they talk or write about other people.

Human trait you value most in others?

Honesty — even when it hurts.

Which film character would you be?

James Bond — especially this new guy. Isn’t he just having the best time?

Do you believe in fate?

It’s all interpretation if you want it to be or not to be.

Property aside, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought?

My cameras.

Your ultimate ambition?

Loaded question. Have a family, do good work, and have a ball along the way.

Your most unappealing habit?

I am so easily distracted especially in conversation.

Best party you’ve ever been to?

My good friend Saul Dismont had a NYE party at the Westbourne Studios in London in 2003. No word of a lie, my friend May and I literally caused the ceiling to come down. That’s how great it was. I waited 10 years to tell him that part. My 40th this year was pretty wild too. 

Closest you’ve ever come to death?

Just having gone 16, on my new V50 and caught between a bus and a rather large truck on Kindley Field Road right on the bend. Really dumb move on my part. 

What animal would you be and why?

A red panda. Have you seen one before? No? You will learn. 

If you had a time machine, where would you go?

I’d grab the most recent newspapers and I’d go back to the times (and people) that led to some of the messier parts of Bermuda today. 

Your most memorable dream?

Trying to fly a plane through the streets of a small Italian village. Makes perfect sense. 

Most unpleasant exchange you’ve have had with a person?

With a former boss in London. I had already resigned so he tried to get me to admit something but I flat out refused. We argued for so long that it ended up with him getting so flustered he left the room. He had no choice but to hand over the cheque.   

Best advice you have ever taken?

“Sooner or later, you can only help so many people before you realize you have to help yourself out” — Eddie DeMello. Funny that because he helped a lot of people. 

If you didn’t work in media/music/film, what would you be?

I would be a city engineer. I love learning about how tiny villages develop into vast metropolises over time. All that history and culture and secrets all crammed into a simmering heated box.

What do you most dislike about your appearance?

Maybe one gray hair too many? 

What do you like best about your appearance?

My new beard. It was free too. 

What’s your attitude to money?

It’s a tool like a hammer. Don’t misuse it. 

Which cartoon character is most like you?

Tasmanian Devil. Complete and utter chaos. 

Nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?

I asked my great niece the other day how she was and she said she was happy. I asked “Why?” and she responded “I’m happy because I see you”. My cold heart proceeded to melt.  

Tell us a joke.

If Strands and Tangles ever merged, they’d be called Strangles. I tell that joke all the time and everyone is sick of it. 

What keeps you up at night?

It’s not politics, it’s not Bermuda’s insane national debt, and not that I never will own a home in Bermuda. It’s nuclear annihilation of the planet by Russia, Britain, Israel, China, France, America, Pakistan, North Korea and India. 

Your attitude to exercise?

It’s important especially for preventative measures. I get in to it a couple times a week. 

Your proudest achievement?

There have been a few but the one that comes to mind is the Saving Southlands film in 2007. It prompted the Govt and the Opposition to make their own. The Southlands hotel idea was a bad idea and eventually stopped. I’d like to think that film helped with that.

If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?

I’d set up mom and dad real nice, give some to my family, help someone much less fortunate than me and then research what to do with the rest but certainly have fun — for a long time.

What would you most like to be remembered for?

That the work I did when I was alive helped someone and/or Bermuda for the better. 

Most important lesson(s) life has taught you?

Life is truly short so enjoy it. Treat people with respect even though they may differ on things, and realise we all have a “thing”. We’re all the same. 



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