August 20, 2013 at 5:04 p.m.

Get ahead before school starts

Get ahead before school starts
Get ahead before school starts

By Mikaela Ian [email protected] | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

With school starting in just a few weeks, parents are working hard to make sure their kids are ready. 

Sure you have the backpack, the lunch box and the shoes, but do you know what it really takes for your child to have a great school year?

Some things are obvious, such as getting enough sleep at night and eating a healthy breakfast. 

But what about everything else?

Setting aside an area for homework is vital and so is getting to school on time every day. 

Providing your child with a healthy lunch is important along with wearing the correct uniform. 

Education Minister Nalton Brangman told us: “The opening of school is always a time of anxiety for parents and students. The most important thing that parents can do to support their children to have a successful year is to prepare early. 

“For example, don’t wait until the night before school opens to change a young child’s bedtime; gradually lower bedtime each night three or four days before the opening day so that it is easier for them to adjust to the change in the schedule. 

“If they have not been academically active over the summer, now is the time to get them reading a little each evening, preferably before bedtime, to establish the study schedule that will be in place when school opens and to help them to prepare to learn.

 “Finally, encourage them on opening day. Help them to establish goals that speak to maintaining a positive attitude and respecting teachers, peers and the rules that govern their school.

“Parents play a significant part in how students come to school and these simple tips can assist.

 “I wish every student, teacher and principal a successful and fulfilling school year.”

Here are ten tips to help your child have a successful school year:

1) Get familiar with the school: If your child is starting primary one or kindergarten, it is important that he/she is familiar with the school. Your child will be spending the majority of his/her time there and knowing where everything is will be key. 

If you can arrange a school tour, that would be a great option so that your child will not only know where his/her classroom will be, but also the bathrooms, the gym, where he/she will be eating lunch and more importantly, where recess will be held. 

2) Healthy diet and exercise: This should be mandatory for every single child in school. A healthy diet is essential in order for a child to do well in school. That means drinking plenty of water, eating fruits and vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins. Snacks are fine, as long as they aren’t laced with sugar. 

Also, exercise is important. An active child is usually a healthy child, so make sure your kid is doing plenty of running around. 

3) Plenty of sleep: Again, this should be automatic. A tired kid is a grumpy kid and a grumpy kid is one who doesn’t want to learn. Children need their sleep so that they can have a full, active day at school. 

This is especially important for primary one students, as there are no naps in big school. And implementing a bedtime is not only good for your child, but it’s also good for you so that you can have adult time before you go to bed. 

4) Having the correct
This is a no brainer, but is often forgotten or overlooked. Please make sure your child has the correct clothing, socks, gym uniform, sneakers and shoes. If the sneakers are supposed to be all white, make sure they are all white. If the shirt is supposed to be a button up, don’t buy a polo shirt. It will save you time and money to buy the correct items.

5) Getting to school on time every day: I know this one is hard for many parents, but getting your child to school on time everyday is one of the best things you can do to make sure he/she has a good day. 

If school starts promptly at 8:30am, get your child to school by 8:20am to give him/her time to pack the backpack and everything else away before the bell rings. Plus, it’s embarrassing for your child to be late everyday. 

6) Reading: Parents should start reading to their children when they are newborns as it helps a ton with development. 

When a child can read or is learning to read, it’s still important for parents to read with them. Reading with you child not only helps their vocabulary and comprehension, it also keeps them away from the TV. 

Put together a library at home with your child’s favourite books and aim to read at least one a day. 

7) Completing homework on time: Teaching your child the importance of not only doing their homework, but completing it on time will instill in them the importance of having responsibilities. 

It is also important to have a place designated for homework with all the supplies your child needs. 

Your child should not be distracted while doing homework and the location should be a distraction-free zone, ie not in the living room while you are watching TV or are talking on the phone. Your child should show you the completed assignment every night. 

8) Utilizing the library: The library is a great resource for young students. 

There are books of every subject imaginable and best of all, they are free. 

Reading helps to stimulate your child’s brain and helps them develop a good imagination. 

Reading can take your child any and everywhere. 

The library also hosts special reading events, which can be a ton of fun for children. 

9) Disciplining your child at home: As a parent, it is your job to discipline your child. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to teach your child manners or how to behave in the classroom. IF your child doesn’t listen to you at home, what makes you think he/she will be respectful to his/her teacher? 

A well behaved child will have a much better day at school and actually retain information. 

10) Talk to your child about school: It’s important to talk to your child about school. Ask them how their day was. Ask them what they like the best and the least. Ask them who their new friends are. Ask them what they like about their teacher and so forth. 

It’s important for your child to know that you are not only invested in his/her education, but you are also interested.


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