There is a difference between God and gods
Rev Maria Seaman: The truth is that either you will be a nation under God or a nation under law. Law is not necessarily sinful or evil; it is simply a lower standard to live by.
Be good toward yourself and others
Rev Maria Seaman: What an example Joseph leaves for us as he speaks loudly of the benefits of forgetting the bitter deeds of others and being a better seed to others.
Follow Joseph by being who God has called you to be
Rev. Maria Seaman: As a teacher, one of the signs or messages that I placed on the wall of my classroom was this: "Your attitude helps determine your altitude".
Joseph a walking example of integrity
Dr Maria Seaman: I find that in today's world there is a constant watering down of the richness in meaning of certain words like love, awesome and integrity.
Fathers, not fortunes, make a country great
Rev Maria Seaman: What makes a nation great is not its finances but its fathers. When fathers father with dignity and godly pride, then the nation will be blessed beyond measure.
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Faith in Jesus enables you to be a recipient of grace
Rev Maria Seaman: A teacher is one who instructs and gives directions to students in order to prepare them for a better life or a more successful future.
Jesus came for the people, not a select few
Rev Maria Seaman: One of the scariest experiences is being in utter darkness, where there is absolutely no light.
God’s timing in your life is a complex matter
Rev Maria Seaman: What you and I may consider to be off timing or the wrong timing, for God it is absolutely perfect timing.
Note that Jesus also died for those who rejected him
Rev Maria Seaman: Living in a very liberal world often tempts Christians to operate in a more liberal way.
Resist temptation to avoid a lifetime of regret
Rev Maria Seaman: Temptation is a false perception of ownership. It is only when you yield to the temptation that you realize it is not yours to have.
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Take time to rest and allow God to speak to you
Rev Maria Seaman: In the beginning of all things, that is, at Creation, God established the principle of time or the regiment of time management.
It takes good and bad to truly know your family
Rev Maria Seaman: Jesus was born into a family of failures and successes. It takes the good and the bad of life to truly get to know your family.
Stay focused on your God-given dreams
Rev Maria Seaman: To think that your destiny will be reached without experiencing delays and denials is to be in denial.
Don’t focus on the negative in life
Rev. Maria Seaman: The school motto of The Berkeley Institute is "Respice Finem –– Keep The End in View." I like this saying because it lines up with a strategically important message of The Bible.
Don't allow your faith to be beaten up by facts
Rev Maria Seaman: Faith and facts are forever in a battle. Facts depend on what is seen and what can be supported or substantiated by scientific data or research.
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