We wanted to work with OBA to prevent this sea change
Marc Bean: We look forward to speaking with the people of Bermuda who are in support of protecting the birthright of full employment, opportunities to purchase property and fair democratic rights for Bermudians.
Wave the beach goodbye
Elaine Murray: Removing a beach from Tourism is unprecedented in Bermuda.
OBA Senators have been mute on big issues
Sen. Diallo Rabain: The irony that Sen. Woolridge would choose to attack Mr. Bean for speaking up for Bermudians is beyond belief.
Dunkley’s leadership on drugs has been weak
Jonathan Starling: For many who thought the OBA Government represented new hope, the last few weeks and months have been disappointing.
I am humbled by Best of Bermuda award
Christopher Famous won the Bermudian Magazine's Best of Bermuda Award for the best columnist for 2014.
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Supersize yourself by becoming a Big Brother or Sister
Christopher Famous: In order to raise some funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters, on Wednesday, June 25 at 7:45pm, I will be joining a few other Bermudians at Harbour Nights doing some wild and crazy things.
Be honest: this is about discrediting Marc Bean
Eron Hill: “Ulterior motives” is the phrase that came to mind when MP Terry Lister and the Premier Michael Dunkley put the bill to drug test MPs and Senators forward in the House of Assembly.
The reactionary populism of drug testing MPs
Jonathan Starling: On Friday the House of Assembly debated - I use that word loosely when it comes to our Parliament - a motion regarding drug testing MPs.
Burton's World Cup Banter: Ref upstages J-Lo and Neymar
The Bermuda Sun's James Burton takes a sideways look at Brazil's opener in the first of his World Cup columns on Friday.
Things I’ll always miss about Dad
Elaine Murray: No one ever lost his temper in quite the spectacular fashion that my father did.
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Status row: Another OBA ambush that hurts Bermudians
Chritsopher Famous: ‘The OBA is the UBP on steroids. They are as predictable as a rattlesnake in the desert.’
Status row: Why PRCs should be given the right to vote
Bryant Trew: ‘Convincing blacks that nothing has changed in Bermuda is instrumental in justifying why PRCs should still be denied voting rights.’
Which Marc Bean do YOU know?
Lynne Woolridge: Bermudians need encouragement, optimism and a unifying message. I don’t see that coming from the Opposition with Mr. Bean as leader.
My father-in-law’s key role in Bermuda Day tradition
Lowdru Robinson was responsible for many innovative ideas and contributions to Bermuda and the Bermuda Day parade, writes his son-in-law Nkosi Damani.
As a parent, I’m indebted to my parents
Bryant Trew: I'm blazing my own trail as a parent, but I'm indebted to my parents for the good things I've happened to learn from their example.
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