Wealthy have a duty to support the poor
Every day for the past eight weeks we have heard of nothing but doom and gloom as regards the world economic situation. Needless to say, these are some uncertain financial times. We have all built our dynasty upon our finances. We have worked hard to invest in our financial future …
Quran and Bible agree on opposing tyranny as we remember the fallen
Remembrance Day is still an important holiday in Bermuda, which sent the first colonial volunteer unit to the Western Front in 1915, and which had more people per capita in uniform during the Second World War than any other part of the Empire,
Looking after parents a duty second only to prayer
I thought weekends were supposed to be for resting .... Not so for me, you see I am a baby boomer and we babyboomers are definitely faced with unprecedented challenges. Yesterday my father, celebrated his 75th birthday; and guess who made the cake!
Finding friendship in gangs when it is lacking at home
Growing up my Grand-mother Stubbs favourite quote to me was "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are!" I didn't quite understand it then, but I soon found out early in life what she meant.
Mercy and compassion - key attributes of Allah
'In the Name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful.' Each surah of the Holy Quran, except for the ninth surah begins with the above verse - Muslims around the world and in Bermuda recite this verse many, many times a day.
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Bermuda is reaping what it has sowed
"The ruin of a nation begins in the home of its people" - Old African Proverb. I have heard this quote many times and used it just as much. This is a very potent and commanding quote.
Volcano chaos nothing compared to Jesus' return
Can you recall when you were young and you would lie on the grass looking up to the sky?
As stewards of the Earth we must review our practices
This weekend at Hamilton Fairmont Hotel, both Muslim and non-Muslim women were treated to the wisdom and piety of Sister Ieasha Prime of New Orleans. Sister Ieasha conducted a conference entitled ‘Women of Virtue’.
Pursuit of knowledge essential for this world and the next
Allah, the All-knowing in his noble book behooves us to “to seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave”.
Pilgrimage to Mecca is the Fifth Pillar of Faith in Islam
Last week I had the opportunity to chat with Mr. Wolffe whom I met whilst attending a meeting at my granddaughter’s school. We chatted briefly and though a short chat, it was a most engaging one.
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Unrest in Middle East: Islam teaches that 'oppression is worse than death'
There are so many things I want to write about. The state of the world and Bermuda certainly can keep one busy with writing.
No intercessory needed as you can talk directly to God
No intercessor do we need. No, in the eyes of our Lord we are worthy enough to go to Him directly. Do you know that if we attempted to talk to the Governor, the Premier or even our politician at whim - it would be virtually impossible!
Police, schools should not stereotype youth
Walia Ming: It seems that no sooner one Supreme Court trial is over another one begins involving young men, some of whom I know all too well. I am so saddened.
No need to be a consumer; find contentment in what you have
Walia Ming: My constant prayer is that I am endowed with the ability to be content and see the mercy of Allah in whatever I am challenged with. These days I am slowly learning to be content with whatever comes my way.
The last month of Ramadan has the greatest intensity
Walia Ming: The spirit of Ramadan should be captured for the next 11 months - the remembrance of it should remain to sustain us to the next Ramadan.
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