The Hajj: One of the five pillars of faith in Islam
Early next week, possibly Monday or Tuesday, December 8th or 9th, Muslims everywhere, including Bermuda, will be celebrating Eid al-Adha - the festival of the sacrifice. Eid al-Adha marks the end of the Hajj, which is one of the five pillars of faith in Islam.
Keeping promises, telling the truth and the ugliness of lies
More times than enough, many promises are made that are never kept, and how devastating that can be.
Historical change brought about by struggle and Allah's will
We are privilege to be living in a hugely significant time in History.
Islam emphasises the necessity of literacy
My daughter and I continued to navigate between the crowds, trains, buses, tubes and this week in particular, the snow, of the city of London. My daughter commented on how fortunate it was that we were able to read, as the signs were our lifesaver.
Believe in destiny, not superstition
Today is Friday the 13th! Some people say that it is a bad luck day. Do you ever wonder why?
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Acts of true love find expression in deeds, not gifts
Last weekend a florist van passed me by loaded with flowers and balloons. I thought, "what is that all about," then it hit me! Valentine's of course.
What we should be taking with us when it is time to go
When going on a journey, it is often hard to decide what to take with you. Firstly, one has to remember that the weather is unique in Bermuda and most times a complete wardrobe change is not necessary.
Depositing good deeds into your account will save you
Your money is safe in the Bank! Laughing all the way to the bank! Money and banks are synonymous with success, or so we thought up until now!
'Zaka' the cleansing act of giving is a form of worship
Should the rich help the poor financially? I think so, especially in times of economic pressure. Especially in these un-precedented economic times.
Tourists are our guests and Islam teaches we should honour them
This weekend I had the opportunity to attend the BELCO VIP 9th Anniversary Excellence Awards at the Fairmont Southampton Resort and how impressed and privileged I felt. It was like I was at the Oscars.
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We must honour our parents 'unconditionally'
I thought weekends were supposed to be for resting .... Not so for me, you see I am a baby boomer and we babyboomers are definitely faced with unprecedented challenges.
Show how strong you are and forgive
Have you ever been in a position where all you wanted was the forgiveness of someone you had hurt?
Mothers are especially honoured in Islam for their nurturing role
Talking with my friend, Neil, the other day, over a bag of french fries at DeGraff's lunchcart, we touched on the subject of investing.Now even more so, we have to be ever so careful in how we go about exercising our investment strategies, due to the tumultuous economic climate we …
Is arrogance ruining your contentment?
The other day I ran into an old school mate of mine, since we were both heading down Front Street towards the Docks we decided to walk together. My what a long journey that was for me! ..... my old buddy just talked about himself and how wonderful he and …
Put away red pen of criticism
I never liked a red pen. Why? Firstly, a red pen used by a school teacher signifies that your work is wrong; whilst I want my mistakes pointed out to me, does it have to be so harsh?
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