I loved being around fellow Bermudians in Atlanta
Shawnette Somner: Today ends Heritage Month – the one month of the year when we are supposed to reflect upon and express our pride about being Bermudian.
Curse of the lazy, sloppy workers
Shawnette Somner: I'm convinced that all of us know someone in the workplace who is simply collecting a pay cheque and taking up space.
New radio show to target young listeners
Generations, a new radio show for young people, will air on DeFontes Broadcasting Company's AM1450 Gold, 7.30pm to 9pm every Monday evening.
We lavish our children with too many material things
Shawnette Somner: Our desire to have material possessions in abundance seems to have trickled down to our young people.
Parents should marshall their child's friendships closely
Shawnette Somner: It is up to the parents to monitor friend formations and have regular communication with their children on selecting friends and to be more diligent in checking their children's interactive technology tools.
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Technology coarsens the way young people communicate
Shawnette Somner: With the advent of new technology, our young people are swamped with information that many have a difficult time processing and are oftentimes uneducated about the proper and effective manner of its use.
We must find effective ways of disciplining young people
Shawnette Somner: The signs of misbehaviour can usually be clearly seen when a child is young but they are often overlooked by the adults responsible for them.
There are dynamic, teenaged role models in our midst
Shawnette Somner: Being engaged in sports, the arts and the like helps to open our young people's minds to future opportunities.
We can learn from elephants
Shawnette Somner: Why should children of single parent homes be the ones to make the uphill efforts to reach out to the other parent? It just doesn't seem fair.
Dancer who dazzled at the parade cannot read or write
Shawnette Somner: So what do we do about those who are deficient in the reading process? We adopt the good old adage of 'each one, teach one'.
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There's no adequate substitute for a father's presence
Shawnette Somner: As Fathers' Day approaches, we must not lose sight of the fact that, like good mothers, good fathers should be celebrated.
Who's YOUR hero?
Shawnette Somner on Friday: Our heroes were those... who gave us inspiration and a reason to dream... let us carry ourselves in a manner that we would want our youth to model.
So who's looking after your children this summer?
Shawnette Somner: I encourage all parents to be sure their sons and daughters are engaged in supervised activities over the summer.
Graduates - stay focused and upbeat in these tough economic times
Shawnette Somner: Congratulations to every young person who has worked hard and who has a reason to celebrate no matter how small your accomplishment.
Need inspiration to help others? Look no further than Gina Spence
Shawnette Somner: Oftentimes we draw conclusions about a person's emotional and mental state based on what we see, and we treat them accordingly.
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