Bermuda Blue: Community voices should not be lost
Jeremy Deacon: I have been out and about much more over the last six or seven months and I have heard so many stories from a big cross-section of people that are in danger of being lost.
Youth give their perspective on racism in Bermuda
Eron Hill spoke to some young Bermudians about the issue of racism and how it affects them as opposed to the older generation. Read their responses in Friday's Sun.
Eight reasons why we need PATI now
Christopher Famous: "It is becoming more and more apparent to all that the OBA has no intention of living up to their campaign promise of accountability and transparency."
My answer to those who try to define ‘Real Bermudians’
Bryant Trew: '...there is a rule in our society: if you speak out against the PLP you must be, as Laverne Furbert once put it, "a confused negro", or a white supremacist.'
Toni Daniels’ anti-Bermudian comments are vexing
It is clear that the OBA, via ex-OBA Senator Toni Daniels’ race-based, anti-Bermudian rants, chooses to look down upon Bermudians who fall into various categories.
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Toni Daniels’ anti-Bermudian comments are vexing
It is clear that the OBA, via ex-OBA Senator Toni Daniels’ race-based, anti-Bermudian rants, chooses to look down upon Bermudians who fall into various categories.
We are living in the season of high farce and comedy
April Fool’s Day came and went so fast that I thought I’d missed it.
We are living in the season of high farce and comedy
April Fool’s Day came and went so fast that I thought I’d missed it.
Celebrating the power of recovery and the spirit of generosity
As regional vice president of Caron Bermuda I am continually humbled to be able to honour the hard work and dedication of members of our community who devote their time and talents to creating awareness of the devastating effects of addiction on individuals and their families.
A response to Zane De Silva on ‘greaseballs’
Shadow Health Minister Zane De Silva has been criticizing the One Bermuda Alliance government for its response to the problem Bermuda has with sewage outfall greaseballs washing up on the beaches.
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I am a proud and real Bermudian
I am a proud Bermudian. Both European and African blood runs through my veins.
Bermuda Blue: My pet hates, in no particular order...
Sun columnist Jeremy Deacon's pet hates include the words 'awesome' and 'my bad', packed lunches, his wife stealing his tools, and more in Friday's Sun.
Taxi industry needs to serve Bermudians as well
I understand fully that tourists need transportation, and they do pay in US dollars. However, the last I looked, Bermudians pay the same rate as tourists.
Taxi industry needs to serve Bermudians as well
I understand fully that tourists need transportation, and they do pay in US dollars. However, the last I looked, Bermudians pay the same rate as tourists.
The keys to solving our unemployment crisis
BPSU president Jason Hayward explains how we can reduce the unemployment rate.
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