OBA on term limits: a case of 'we had to deceive you?'
Jonathan Starling: My concern is not with the abolishing of the term limits policy itself, but with the way the OBA went about abolishing them.
OBA's hypocrisy on 'anonymous rants'
Walter Roban: The PLP demands the OBA government show more respect for freedom of speech and the Press which they appear to have little patience for since becoming the government.
The Regiment should be run by a Bermudian
Christopher Famous: It served as a slap in the face to myself and no doubt many other Bermudian men that the next CO will be a British army officer.
Capital projects must be open to stakeholders
BEST: Comprehensive, long range planning firmly grounded in sustainability can help smooth out the ebbs and flows of economic change.
Curse of the lazy, sloppy workers
Shawnette Somner: I'm convinced that all of us know someone in the workplace who is simply collecting a pay cheque and taking up space.
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The Third World: There but for the grace of God...
New Orleans was plunged into 'Thirld World' chaos by Hurricane Katrina, and, argues Sun columnist Tom Vesey, there's nothing to say Bermuda won't be next...
Never forget your brother
It's those with the least that suffer the most when disasters like Hurricane Katrina happen. Larry Burchall believes that given Bermuda's isolated position, those with least are even more vulnerable...
Our wasteful society - are you part of the problem?
Bermudians are producing more waste per capita than New Yorkers - and the amount is rising every year. Leila Wadson, a member of Government's Sustainable Development Committee, asks whether your lifestyle is fuelling the problem...
Illiteracy: A pro-independence conspiracy?
Fred Barrit believes it is far better for the PLP to take the country to independence in a single-issue referendum free from the influence of party politics by an uneducated electorate.
Until we bridge the racial divide, we’ll never share a common destiny
There’s a cold, hard truth at the core of the new report by the Bermuda Commission on Independence. It’s not a revelation, more a formal, written confirmation of a chilling fact: blacks and whites are polarized on independence.
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So is this what you mean by ghostly?
Lawson Mapp, Mayor of Hamilton hits back at suggestions by Sun columnist Larry Burchall that the City of Hamilton is being run by boring old farts...
Independence report will sway no-one
The independence debate has too often embodied the very things Bermudians are trying to shake themselves free of – racial division and political hostility, writes Tom Vesey
What if we all cut each other a little slack on race?
As the media frenzy continues to swirl around the Premier's allegedly racist comments in an email mistakenly sent to a tourism activist, Editor Tony McWilliam asks 'Haven't we all missed the point?'
Past haunts ‘punchbag’ PLP: Now’s the time for action
The constant media assault on the Progressive Labour Party is partly self-inflicted, argues Stuart Hayward, but the current media frenzy will help no-one in the end
Premier's 'crap' excuse is not enough
Premier Alex Scott's apology for his allegedly racist comments just didn't wash, argues Sun columnist Tom Vesey
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