All you need is… one man!
Elaine Murray on Wednesday praised Tony Brannon for his vision and drive to create the Peace Day concert, galvanizing local talent and pulling in international artists.
You’re an elected official; leave the bullying at the door
Elaine Murray: If you are uncomfortable with gay men and lesbian women, then say so without denigration. If you can't support gay marriage then a simple, "I'm sorry, I can't support gay marriage because it is not consistent with my beliefs about marriage" will do just fine. Leave the bullying …
The sorrow of 9/11 will never relent
Elaine Murray in Wednesday's Sun shared her personal experience and reflections on being close to the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Is your surgeon Bermudian?
Elaine Murray: Edmond Heatley, the newly appointed Education Commissioner is probably suffering right now from what I call the Sunday night blues.
Gambling on Bda’s future
Elaine Murray: Sometimes in business you have to give a quick and dirty answer; no preparation, no waiting for the final accounts, just a gut instinct that the path you are about to take is the right one for your business.
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Easy on the coleslaw and the spandex...
Elaine Murray's tips for surviving Cup Match - keep hydrated, don't eat too much coleslaw and "too much spandex can cause overheating, which causes chaffing, which causes heat stroke or something like that".
Jack was more than a pet, he was family
Elaine Murray: I lost the love of my life this week. My Jack, with his noble good looks and the countenance of a champion had to be put down yesterday.
Drink-drivers should always be taken off the road
Elaine Murray: Change the law. Don't drink and drive. Call a taxi — and spare all of us from future heartbreak.
I’m an attentive host but don’t ask me to be a guest
Elaine Murray: The pressure to be a guest is just too daunting for me and yet I marvel at how easy my guests are to have around when they visit.
My parting gift to dad — a dozen Titleists
Elaine Murray: In our house there was never a birthday, Christmas or for that matter, Father's Day that my dad didn't receive a dozen Titleist golf balls.
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Being a jetsetter was a bad move for the Premier
Elaine Murray: I thought being a jet setter would be fun. Jump on a plane, make yourself comfortable, buckle-up and away we go!
You only get one chance to get motherhood right
Elaine Murray: In the summer of 1989 I started to clench. Clenching is when your jaw muscles become so stressed, so tight that you are barely able to open your mouth... In 1989 I became a mother.
Show the city of Boston some Bermuda love
Elaine Murray: I don’t think I was that surprised to see that Boston got their man. There’s nothing madder than a Bostonian who’s been wronged.
Boston blasts: Cowardly acts like this maim our souls
Elaine Murray: I grew up in Boston and my daughters claim that despite twenty-six years in New York City and my years in Bermuda, I have never really lost my accent. Now I hope that it never leaves me.
Let’s get it straight about why firms left Bermuda
Elaine Murray: Anything that will take my mind off the misleading musings of a fellow columnist as to why international business has left Bermuda would be a good thing.
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