May 29, 2014 at 2:24 p.m.
Warwick Academy announces the introduction of a new Reception Year Programme.
Mrs. Maggie McCorkell B.Ed, M.Ed., Principal of Warwick Academy today announced Warwick Academy will introduce a new Reception Year for 4 year-olds in September 2015.
Mrs. McCorkell stated: “After a great deal of strategic planning and time spent gathering community and stakeholder feedback, the Board of Governors of Warwick Academy have decided to implement a Reception Year Programme for 4 year-olds.”
Mrs. McCorkell continued: “The advantages of this are numerous for the students and will not only complete the school but also give our very youngest students the opportunity to learn through investigative play and take advantage of all the resources Warwick Academy has to offer. Learning outside the classroom, as well as inside, supports the development of healthy and active lifestyles, develops problem solving skills and children’s creativity and WA will play a beneficial role in shaping our young people to be productive members of society just as it has done over the past 4 centuries.”
“Young children need space, and the extensive playing fields, sports hall and swimming pool at Warwick Academy will become their classrooms so they can explore and discover through sensory and physical experiences. They will have the benefit of being taught by subject specialists in modern foreign languages and physical education.”
“This programme will allow a seamless transition into the Warwick Academy Primary Year 1 class and provide a sound foundation for future academic, creative and physical development and success. The Reception Year will be housed in a secure, stand-alone, specially re-designed building on the School Campus, and will be led by teaching professionals specifically trained for this age group.”
Mrs. McCorkell finished by saying: “Parents who are interested in receiving additional information should email Admissions Director, Mrs. Rochelle Lee, at [email protected].”
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