May 23, 2014 at 12:25 p.m.
Sun Girl, May 23: ‘I’m unique, pleasant and a dancer’
• Name: Kaisha Wilson
• Date of Birth: March 25, 1998
• Parish: Southampton
• Occupation: Student
• Ambition? Professional dancer and dance teacher.
• Use three words to describe yourself: Unique, pleasant, dancer.
• Your definition of style? The way somebody chooses to display their personality through what they dress, how they wear their hair, walk.
• Shameless plug?: I would like to give a shout-out to Jackson’s School of Performing Arts — the best dance school on the island. I believe if you wish to dance and just have a fun time you should come out to Jackson’s and give it a go. You won’t regret it. I’ve been dancing at Jackson’s since I was three and now I am 16. I still have as much fun and love it as much now as when I was younger. Jackson’s is located on 15 Burnaby Street. Phone 292-5815, [email protected]. Go sign up for dance classes for the next dance year starting in September.
Want to be a Sun Girl....Or a Sun Guy? The age range is 18-35. Contact Photo Editor Gary Skelton and he’ll explain how it works: [email protected]. Tel. 278-1880.
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