June 20, 2014 at 12:16 p.m.

OBA Senators have been mute on big issues

OBA Senators have been mute on big issues
OBA Senators have been mute on big issues

By Sen. Diallo Rabain- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

OBA Senator Lynn Woolridge recently attacked PLP Leader Marc Bean, focusing on the manner in which he has spoken in the House of Parliament.

Politicians are afforded a platform to speak for their constituents and the people of Bermuda. ‎The House of Assembly and the Senate are venues in which we are supposed to bring the concerns of those we represent. 

The Opposition Leader has proven time and time again that he is willing to stand up for what he believes to be right and speak his mind on these topics. This is always done in the spirit of wanting a Bermuda that looks out for its citizens and does right by them.

The irony that Sen. Woolridge would choose to attack Mr. Bean for speaking up for Bermudians is beyond belief. The OBA has shown us a legacy of putting certain persons out front to do the speaking with a willing chorus of background singers who never openly express any opinion of their own.

Senator Woolridge and the majority of her fellow senators will happily re-read Ministerial Statements that have already been read in the House of Assembly and choose to remain mostly silent on bills, motions and the Motion to Adjourn in the Senate. Sadly, this is typical of many OBA parliamentarians sitting on the backbench as well.

Bermudians should be able to count on their OBA representatives to stand up and speak their opinion vs toeing the party line and remaining mute. OBA parliamentarians seemingly lack any fortitude to stand up and speak when given the opportunity. Instead, Bermudians get these cut and paste jobs from political consultants with a Senator or MP’s picture attached.

The silence from Sen Woolridge and others on matters that have had a profound effect on our island is indeed deafening. Most recently the JetGate drama has virtually brought legislation to a grinding halt. The Senate has met six times in six months and has not passed any legislation since March. Sen. Woolridge and her fellow Senators have amazingly sat virtually mute the entire time.  In fact, there will be no House of Assembly meeting this week Friday, either.

When the former Premier misled the people of Bermuda in Parliament and resigned, and when the AG resigned, and when it was revealed $300,000 was paid into a secret account to fund an “underground” election campaign, the OBA Senators remained mute the entire time.

Only those who are fully committed to truth and integrity will stand up and speak to the concerns of working and middle class Bermudians. For a Senate team whose legacy is turning a blind eye and remaining silent over issues within their party that have sullied the name and reputation of Bermuda, I find Sen Woolridge’s op-ed to be hypocritical to say the least. Sadly, sitting mute will probably always be the hallmark of the OBA background choir.

So in summation here are the recent actions of Senator Woolridge and other OBA MPs and Senators:

They sat silent when the OBA considered giving children of work permit holders the right to work in Bermuda during summer school breaks‎, directly to compete against Bermudian students. 

• They sat silent when the OBA ended term limits allowing work permit holders to potentially work here indefinitely.

• They sat silent when the OBA Deputy Chairman called Bermudians xenophobic. ‎

• They sat silent when MP Pettingill called Bermudian Christians Kool Aid drinkers;

• They sat silent when the former Premier stole the referendum from the people of Bermuda;

• They sit silent as the Tourism Authority refuses to tell Bermudians how $23 million of taxpayers’ funds is being spent; 

• They sat silent while the former Premier and other OBA officials misled Bermuda over JetGate;

• They now sit silent while the OBA is about to potentially give Bermudian Status to thousands of PRC Holders, thereby affecting you and your children’s ability to gain employment and to purchase Bermudian property.

While they remain mute on these issues, the PLP Parliamentary team will stand strong for Bermudians. 

Bermuda, are Senator Woolridge and the OBA speaking up for you? Or do they remain mute on issues that truly affect you and your children?

Diallo Rabain is Opposition Senate Leader.


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