January 3, 2014 at 3:48 a.m.

Revealing... No time for regrets - what will be will be

Revealing... No time for regrets - what will be will be
Revealing... No time for regrets - what will be will be

By Sarah [email protected] | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Deidra-Lee Bean

has been writing since the age of 12.

She graduated in 2007 from Acadia University with a Major in Business Psychology & Finance and a minor in Literature. She joined the Chewstick Foundation in 2010. She performed as part of the collective artists that Chewstick invited on its 2010 and 2011 international tours, she has helped to organize a multitude of events through the Chewstick and is looking to grow as a creative.

In addition to poetry, she is exploring her talents as a singer and saxophonist and anticipates recording and publishing an amalgamation of these. She said: ‘I respect artists, storytellers and people who have a zest for life and am excited everyday to help people to find and celebrate their voices. Chewstick celebrates its 11th anniversary this weekend with two concerts in the Earl Cameron Theatre. 

Interview by 
Sarah Lagan.

What’s your earliest memory?

I remember I got a cut on my shin at my granny’s I slipped on something and I remember I saw white then red, it was the only time I’d even seen my granny look scared.

What were you like in school?

Truthfully, I don’t really know. There were some who would recall that I was quiet and conservative and others that would   say I was artsy and extroverted. 

I was involved in a lot of activities and worked within that for whatever that’s worth.

Human trait you value most in others?

Empathy, I appreciate when people are not only able to see things from a different perspective but are so adept at it they inspire others to do the same.

Do you believe in fate?

I don’t necessarily believe in fate I believe that the universe conspires in the favour of individuals and communities and whichever is strongest will determine the path, I think directions can change for better or worse.

Your greatest fear?

I am most afraid of not meaning anything to the people I care most about, I do my best to be the best I can because of that.

Most embarrassing moment?

I sing a lot, all over the place. I was at the Chewstick facility belting out a tune with my earphones in and walked down into a rehearsal where they’d shut off the music because they heard me ... good times.

Your ultimate ambition?

To change the world, through service.

Describe yourself in three words

Handle with care.

Best party you’ve ever been to?

I once went to a club in the Czech Republic when I was 19, that was pretty cool. 

Anyone you’d like to say ‘sorry’ to?

No. If I feel remorse I convey it as soon as possible or do something to atone for it so... no.

Worst job you’ve ever done?

I do my best all the time whatever task I am given and pour myself wholeheartedly.  

Biggest regret?

No time for regrets, what is meant to be will be or is yet to come. 

Closest you’ve ever come to death?

 I was in Barcelona once and a guy was following me home after the club, I don’t think he intended to kill me, but any violation he’d have committed would’ve been a little death. 

Your desert island song?

 I have no song I’d sing only words that would finally find a way out.

What animal would you be and why?

A human being... oh wait I am one ...  

What do you do if you can’t sleep?

Read or write... I sometimes practice my saxophone, to my neighbours’ chagrin.

If you weren’t at Chewstick what would you be?

What would I be? ... a person, but I am that now. I don’t identify as anything but Deidra-Lee. 

Whatever position or location I am I will be that a person whose name is Deidra-Lee and who is open to learning, being and doing as much as I can to serve in a capacity that brings me joy as well.  

What do you most dislike about you appearance?

I love everything about myself, I can’t remember being this happy or actually in awe with how I look (my definition of beauty is whatever I see in the mirror that day). 

What do you like best about your appearance?

See above ... positive positive. 

Guilty pleasure?

There’s no such thing for me; if it makes me happy I’ll do it, eat it, taste it ... I don’t have the time for guilt.

What would you most like to be remembered for?

Hopefulness, I want to be able to encourage others to always believe in the power of their dreams to listen to the passion they feel more so than any negativity. 


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