April 29, 2014 at 6:56 p.m.
Sit-in scheduled to protest further education awards cuts
Shadow Minister for Education, Walton Brown, is today calling for a silent sit-in in a campaign to persuade the Government to restore funding for the Further Education Awards to its 2012 levels.
In 2012, a total of $760,000 was allocated for students; in 2014 that figure was reduced by 95 per cent to $40,000, an insult to prospective college students and their parents.
Mr Brown said in a statement: “Access to higher education is critical to creating genuine equality of opportunity and these funds must be restored.”
The silent sit-in will take place Tuesday May 6 at 12 noon at the public park located on the Cabinet grounds. Mr Brown said: “I have pleaded with the Premier and the Education Minister to restore this funding; and I have approached Permanent Secretary Ross Webber, all to no avail. This morning I have written to the Premier and Minister to inform them of this sit-in and to invite them to address the students and parents who will be present. I encourage students, parents and all who want funds put back into these education awards to join us as we try to persuade the government to do the right thing.”
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