October 11, 2013 at 1:22 a.m.

Thank God I believe because the world is ruled by money

Thank God I believe because the world is ruled by money
Thank God I believe because the world is ruled by money

By Walia Ming- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

I am so glad that I believe that a God does exist, because if I didn’t, what hopelessness I would feel. What a sad and broken soul I would be. 

As I look around all that is happening globally, and even right here in Bermuda, I feel alarm and concern. But I’m keeping the faith, because I know that God is in charge.

It seems that an evil and very selfish force is propelling the events of the world today. Everywhere there seems to be total confusion and senseless destruction. 

Life is not valued one iota. Men kill in the name of God, in the name of money, in the name of ignorance and not even blink an eye. What a state of inhumanity to be in.

What is causing this? I believe it’s the love of greed and consumption and the lack of acknowledging God and moral ethics. 

The whole world is consumed by the almighty dollar; they say money makes the world go round and it seems that it does; but for those who believe we know that absolutely does not.

The power that money holds is incredible. I know that money is a necessary; but does it have to be a necessary evil? 

The way money is dominating the world, how we live our lives, how we interact with one another is despicable. The love of money is certainly the road to destruction. 

Money should be used to foster and create good things not the opposite.  Money is used in many cases as a means to exploit.  

The poorer one is the more exploited one is. For instance, what happens when someone without health insurance goes into hospital? 

Lucky for us in Bermuda, we are not turned away yet, or left to bleed to death like in some countries, but we certainly better pay that bill within 60 days or off to a debt collection agency you go and where 33 per cent is added,together with the threat of court and jail time looming over you.

In debt

Wow, if you couldn’t pay the bill, how are you going to pay the 33 per cent that is added, plus if you are lucky enough to be working, afford the time and risk your job by attending court or even being locked up! 

Let’s not talk about the energy companies. Of course the blame of the high cost of fuel is put on the oil producing countries — but I beg to differ (however, this is not the place, though it is definitely the time to discuss the matter). It appears that we need  educating on how to cut down on usage through means of what must be expensive media advertising. Excuse me, but I know how to cut down and do, but it still doesn’t help to lower my bill in any tangible way. 

Let’s just face it, the cost of living is simply too high; and that’s the bottom line.

The cost of goods, commodities and services is out of control; some say that we can control it, but realistically, this is not the case.

Shifting goal posts

I try to hang my hat where I can reach it, but it seems someone else is always putting the nail up higher or moving the goal post.

Thank God that I can call on Him because I can’t explain it — I gain a mercy and relief from the understanding and perspective that He gives me through his mercy and grace; yes from Allah, the merciful God I get a peace that surpasses all understanding.

The powers that be amass wealth and don’t really care how they get it — just give them the money and that is all that matters.  

Many will have issue with me, but this is the way I see it — everyone wants money, money, money and more money.

Islam suggests that the best of business conduct is as Jabir related that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) said: May Allah show mercy to a man who is kind when he sells, when he buys, and when he makes a claim. (Bukhari) 

May Allah help those of us who are experiencing difficult financial times, through no fault of our own and as reported by Abu Said that Prophet Muhammad said that Allah will cause the truthful and trustworthy businessman to be in the company of Prophets, saints and martyrs on the Day of Judgment (Darimi, Tirmidhi) Ameen. 


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