January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

We must get involved to redress Bermuda's woes

By Walter S. Saul - | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

I pray that you are just as fed-up, disturbed and concerned as I am at Bermuda’s changing face. 
All I see are the haunting faces of accused, alleged and convicted young and not so young black males.  
Who would have ever thought that beautiful and peaceful Bermuda could change, to what seems to have happened overnight, into what we have today.
Would one ever have thought we would be reading such horrific headlines such as what appears in our newspapers today?
It seemed to all have happened overnight … but it didn’t.  
The ugliness has been festering for some time …the end product is too potent for it not to have been. What ever happened? Was it the lack of religion, education, love, caring, family values, the list goes on.
As I am a religious person, with God being at the centre of my life … I would blame it not solely, but mostly to ungodliness. It began when we the people, became too sophisticated to believe in God, and to obeying His commandments. 
When we took God for granted and forgot or dropped Him out of our lives. When we did this, into our being came evil and vice.
We became greedy, mean and selfish. We no longer were “Our brothers’ keeper”. 
We were not willing or inclined to be bothered with ‘other peoples’ problems’. We felt that the problem was over there; without having the wisdom or the insight to know for certain that the problem, if left unresolved, would end up right here in our laps, as it has happened.
We have to poke our noses to an extent into ‘their’ business, because sooner rather than later it will and does become our business.  
We must become socially involved for the good of ourselves. We must assist where assistance is required. 
We must be that lending hand. Money is not always the end result for doing something for someone. 
Do you have skills that can help someone out of a disturbing or uncomfortable situation? Are we charitable with the gifts that God gave us? In Islam, we are taught that even a smile passed on to someone is an act of charity.
If we follow nature, you will learn that creatures look out for one another.
We in Bermuda need to adopt such a stance. Bermuda’s caring and nurturing attitude has changed drastically in a very negative way. We must return to the caring and sharing for one another before it’s too late.
I see advertisements just before the news every evening, asking for foster parents for many of Bermuda’s children.
Apparently there are a great number of children that require such care. Are we responding to the call Bermuda? Are we willing to share our lives to give hope and stability to Bermuda’s future before it’s too late?  
Will we be like the kind and generous Assiyah who fostered and cared for our beloved Prophet Moses?  
Our children are our future — we must ensure a godly future for Bermuda by protecting, nurturing and loving our most precious assets — the children.  
We must be willing to be disturbed and be pro-active about correcting our ills. 
We must change our headlines from the utter mayhem that we read today. It is imperative to our survival that we change our selfish attitudes and step out of our comfort zone. 
Like Benjamin Franklin said: “We must all hang together, or we shall hang separately.”   
Truly, we have to look out for each another — no matter how uncomfortable it may seem it will all work for good. 
(Qur'an 93:6-11): Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? And He found you wandering, and He gave you guidance. And He found you in need, and made you independent.Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness, nor drive away a petitioner (unheard).  But the bounty of the Lord - rehearse and proclaim!  n  
I pray that you are just as fed-up, disturbed and concerned as I am at Bermuda’s changing face. 
All I see are the haunting faces of accused, alleged and convicted young and not so young black males.  
Who would have ever thought that beautiful and peaceful Bermuda could change, to what seems to have happened overnight, into what we have today.
Would one ever have thought we would be reading such horrific headlines such as what appears in our newspapers today?
It seemed to all have happened overnight … but it didn’t.  
The ugliness has been festering for some time …the end product is too potent for it not to have been. What ever happened? Was it the lack of religion, education, love, caring, family values, the list goes on.
As I am a religious person, with God being at the centre of my life … I would blame it not solely, but mostly to ungodliness. It began when we the people, became too sophisticated to believe in God, and to obeying His commandments. 
When we took God for granted and forgot or dropped Him out of our lives. When we did this, into our being came evil and vice.
We became greedy, mean and selfish. We no longer were “Our brothers’ keeper”. 
We were not willing or inclined to be bothered with ‘other peoples’ problems’. We felt that the problem was over there; without having the wisdom or the insight to know for certain that the problem, if left unresolved, would end up right here in our laps, as it has happened.
We have to poke our noses to an extent into ‘their’ business, because sooner rather than later it will and does become our business.  
We must become socially involved for the good of ourselves. We must assist where assistance is required. 
We must be that lending hand. Money is not always the end result for doing something for someone. 
Do you have skills that can help someone out of a disturbing or uncomfortable situation? Are we charitable with the gifts that God gave us? In Islam, we are taught that even a smile passed on to someone is an act of charity.
If we follow nature, you will learn that creatures look out for one another.
We in Bermuda need to adopt such a stance. Bermuda’s caring and nurturing attitude has changed drastically in a very negative way. We must return to the caring and sharing for one another before it’s too late.
I see advertisements just before the news every evening, asking for foster parents for many of Bermuda’s children.
Apparently there are a great number of children that require such care. Are we responding to the call Bermuda? Are we willing to share our lives to give hope and stability to Bermuda’s future before it’s too late?  
Will we be like the kind and generous Assiyah who fostered and cared for our beloved Prophet Moses?  
Our children are our future — we must ensure a godly future for Bermuda by protecting, nurturing and loving our most precious assets — the children.  
We must be willing to be disturbed and be pro-active about correcting our ills. 
We must change our headlines from the utter mayhem that we read today. It is imperative to our survival that we change our selfish attitudes and step out of our comfort zone. 
Like Benjamin Franklin said: “We must all hang together, or we shall hang separately.”   
Truly, we have to look out for each another — no matter how uncomfortable it may seem it will all work for good. 
(Qur'an 93:6-11): Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter? And He found you wandering, and He gave you guidance. And He found you in need, and made you independent.Therefore, treat not the orphan with harshness, nor drive away a petitioner (unheard).  But the bounty of the Lord - rehearse and proclaim!    
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JUL 30, 2014: It marked the end of an era as our printers and collators produced the very last edition of the Bermuda Sun.



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