January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

There is always hope and it is a sin to give way to despair

By Walter S. Saul - | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

"Hope springs eternal". What does that phrase that I have heard all my life mean?

Does it mean that hope is eternal ... and then what exactly does that mean, and anyway, what is hope?

Well if you use hope in the sense of a noun - it could be summed up by all the following:

1. A wish or desire accompanied by confident expectation of its fulfilment.

2. Something that is hoped for or desired: success is our hope.

3. One that is a source of or reason for hope: the team's only hope for victory.

4. Hope as in religion - the theological virtue defined as the desire and search for a future good, difficult but not impossible to attain with God's help.

5. Archaic. Trust; confidence.

Hope doesn't seem a bad thing at all!

So the phrase "hope springs eternal" may very well mean that there is always a chance of hope.

No matter how hopeless, or impossible the situation may seem or actually be, that things will not remain the same, that conditions will get better; one just does not know when.

Hence, we must unceasingly keep on hoping and praying (prayer always helps) and eventually things are guaranteed to get better or at least tolerable. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

In fact, Muslims are commanded to live in hope. As the opposite of hope is despair and despair is a sin. A sin because, it means that you have given up on your faith and reliance of Allah, Lord of all the worlds. To give up on God is a very dangerous thing; of course I am speaking to God-fearing people.

There are many who do not believe in God and that is their prerogative; but as for us who believe in God with all our hearts and souls, we are taught not to despair, as no matter how hopeless things look, God is there if we continue to call out to him in faith and hope! Supan'allah!

Sometimes we may think ourselves as fools - we say "we believe and do good things and yet bad things happens to us, whilst the sinner seems to prosper and is happy all the time."

But don't be fooled. God gives those he loves the hardest of tests, we just have to persevere and have faith and know that God is our hope and our strength, no matter how Satan may want to distort our vision of trust and hope.

Our faith will get us through - the believer has faith that everything is in the hands of Allah: honour, power, reputation, authority, and everything is under God's control.

God gives to whoever He wills. The way of the human being is to struggle, to do good deeds, and to trust in Allah, unconditionally.

Allah promises us His reward of complete bliss and paradise. The naysayers will mumble "airy-fairy, bubble head"! Call it what you like, I will hang on to my undying faith, trust and hope in Allah, the Almighty.

No, I will not give up on hope; indeed hope is all I have! I was hoping for a bonus the other day ... I didn't get it! I put my hope in the wrong place ... serves me right! I am beginning to realise (slow me) that Allah is my only hope.

Yes, I will go further and start putting my hope in really big and seemingly impossible things; I'm going to get fat with hope - I will live in hope - that one day, we can all live in peace (airy-fairy some would say .... But I hope anyway). Hope that one day, we can all live in a world of perfect justice (here I go again) but Hope Springs Eternal ... right?

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