January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.
What is God really like? / Part 3 of 4: The God wh

Prodigal son's return is fine example of God's love

By Meredith Ebbin- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Last week we learned together that God is a Father who listens to us. Despite the number of people in the world, He is attentive to our individual needs.

We also acknowledged that many of us have preconceived notions about "church" and "God".

Some think church is "not for me" for a variety of reasons. Others think that church and God is for those over 50 years old or that it is too restrictive a lifestyle to give up their personal plans, personal agendas, or vices that they hold so dear.

However, when you come to know what God is really like, your heart will be drawn to Him.

God created us in His image and put eternity in our hearts, and although we often avoid trying to get too close to Him, when we do we are amazed as to how much we've really longed to be in His

company! There's only one who can fill that void. This week we will learn that God is a Father Who runs to us!

When we associate the word "father" with God, our minds can draw us down both pleasant and unpleasant paths.

Unfortunately we are in a nation where many fathers do not stand responsibility; they do not provide for or involve themselves in the lives of their children.

As a result, those in such a category sometimes feel at a disadvantage when it comes to understanding and accepting the love they need from God the Father.

However, today we will learn of one of the most powerful, shocking pictures of God presented in the New Testament, had Jesus teaching the Jews about the heart of God the Father.

We read the parable of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32. If you have a Bible near by, go ahead and look it up.

Jesus tells a story about an arrogant, know-it-all son who asked his father for his inheritance early.

Showing more love toward his dad's money than his dad, he left the homestead, travelled abroad, and spent his inheritance living wildly.

When his money ran out, so did his friends, reducing him to eating slop with the pigs on a farm. Not a pretty - or fragrant picture, especially for a Jewish audience to hear!

This wayward (smelly!) son came to his senses and decided that he would repent and humbly asked his father for a job alongside his servants. Now here is the revelation of God's heart...

The father in the story had been waiting for his son's return, watching for him constantly and probably thinking to himself... "Will today be the day when he comes back to me?" The father, spotting the son approaching in the distance, actually runs to the son! Imagine that! This story takes on an intense meaning when we realize that the father in this story is really God the Father expressing His love to us!

So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. (Luke 15:20 NLT.)

We serve a God that runs to us! Every other religion in the world demonstrates a deity that you must impress for some favour. Our God runs, hugs, kisses, and then throws us a big party when we come back to Him!

Do you see God this way? Do you pray to him, picturing that you are already accepted and loved by God?

Now not only does God love the wayward son, but he also has another son that has been so faithful all along.

The dutiful son, who also needed to experience the love of his father's heart. As he pouted outside the party, the father left the festivities, sought out his other son, and pleaded with him to come to the party. The dutiful son was so focused on "doing" the right thing that he missed the opportunity to remember that this was his

brother that he should be happy for.

Remember the reason for this season is the celebration that God the Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to die for our sins.

Yes, Jesus was actually born to die. God sent us His One and only Son because He desires to be with us. He wants us to come to know Him in a very real way.

You may have tried many things in your life... but I really encourage you to try God. This is a vital step to deepening your relationship with God.

And remember when you come to know Jesus as your personal Saviour, there is nothing you can do that will cause God to love you any less - and there is nothing that you can do that will cause God to love you any more. His love for you is maxed out. Period. He gives you complete forgiveness and acceptance. Now you are free to love Him with all your heart. Will you?

Pastor Gary C. Simons serves as the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Bible Fellowship where Sunday services are held at Ruth Seaton James Auditorium, CedarBridge Academy, Bermuda.

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