January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.
OBA: Bermuda is suffering a 'crisis of confidence'
FRIDAY, MARCH 2: Bermuda is suffering under the yoke of a crisis in confidence: confidence in government, confidence in our ability to keep and attract international business, confidence in our ability attract tourists, confidence in our ability to make Bermuda safe again, confidence in our ability to prepare young minds for the future. The “Bermuda Economic Miracle” is becoming a distant memory and Bermuda is losing confidence in its ability to bring it back.
The Bermuda training sloop, The Spirit of Bermuda, is appropriately named because it takes a spirit of teamwork - all hands on deck - pulling together, with the help of God’s wind, to move the vessel forward. These are perilous times for Bermuda, and we must have “all hands on deck” to help safeguard, sustain and guide the ship of state to a safe harbour.
To get to that safe harbour we need confidence. Confidence is like the wind. You can’t see it, you can’t touch it, you can’t taste it, but you can feel it! It is a potent force. If it’s at your back, it can fill your ship’s sails and power the good ship relentlessly forward.
But if it’s not with you, it can stop your ship dead in its tracks, even forcing you into retreat.
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