January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Jesus will give us what we need to accomplish His will

Jesus will give us what we need to accomplish His will
Jesus will give us what we need to accomplish His will

By Meredith Ebbin- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

For the past several weeks we have been learning about the importance of bearing fruit for God.

There are some fundamental things that we have discovered in God’s Word together. 

We have learned that God is the gardener, Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches if we have accepted Christ as Saviour. 

We have gained the understanding that to get from no fruit to fruit, God lifts us up; to get from fruit to more fruit, God prunes us so that we can reprioritize our lives for His glory; to get from more fruit to much fruit, we must spend more time with God, in His Word and in prayer. 

Today we are going to conclude this teaching, so let’s look at the concluding passage…

John 15:16b, 17 …Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. This is my command: Love each other. 

These few verses teach us something powerful about God. 

Jesus told us that if we submit to God and produce much fruit for Him (which means to do His work), then God’s desires would become ours. This, I believe, is the key to praying in the will of God.

Most times our prayer life is dictated by our wants and determination for a “comfortable and stress-free” life. 

We pray when we are in pain; we pray when we need a new job; we pray for deliverance when we are having a rotten day; however, what about praying for God’s desires. 

Sooner of later, we need to admit that the life we live is for the glory of God and not for our comfort.

There will be plenty of time to chill-out and catch ourselves when we go to heaven, if we have believed in Jesus Christ, but right now it is our time to work.

As we work, we must pray to see the power of God displayed. Prayer is like the road that is paved for the power of God to roll on. Without prayer there is no power. As we work for God, then whatever we ask in the name of Jesus (which means for His glory and with His authority) then the Father will give it!

Notice that we learned that Jesus is the one that appointed us to bear much fruit — and the One who appointed us will give us whatever we need to accomplish His will. 

The final admonition that God gives is to love one another. Imagine that Jesus’ dying request for his disciples is that they would truly show the love of God to each other. 

I think this is the solid proof of a church that is functioning in the power of the Holy Spirit. We may have great ministries, great services, great

outreaches, but if we are not getting along with one another… it will come

to nothing of eternal value. 

We see this also in later chapters where Jesus Christ’s prayer is that the church will be one, so that the world will know that He has sent them. 

This means that love must be the main ingredient to be a true witness for God. 

Paul taught that although we can be so good at various things, if we do not have love, then we are only a clanging cymbal (read more about this in the ‘love chapter’… 1 Corinthians 13). 

Having said this, love does not mean that you don’t tell people the truth.

Some go to the extreme in their relationship whereby they show the love, but don’t speak truth.

However, love without truth leads to hypocrisy.  Others err to the point of speaking truth, but have no love. 

The result of truth in the absence of love leads to brutality.  God wants us to have a balance of both truth and love. 

As you live this Christian life, strike the necessary balance. As people offend you, go directly to them (Matthew 18), don’t talk about them behind their back or slander someone in their absence; rather go directly to the person to seek reconciliation wherever possible.

Remember, Jesus Christ’s desire is not only that you work for Him to produce much fruit, but that you also love others in the process. 

May God give you the power not only to produce the work, but may the machine of work be lubricated with His love. 

He loved you first, so that the love of Jesus can work through you to advance His desires in your life.  Don’t short-change the mighty plan that God wants to do through you. 


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