January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Heritage is about who we are and where we came from

By Walter S. Saul - | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Bermuda will be celebrating in grand style on Monday, the cumulating of Heritage Month with its Bermuda Day Festivities.

All month we have been celebrating our heritage in one form or another.

Some say that Bermuda has no heritage! 

How sad to think such an unthinkable thing! Indeed Bermuda does have a heritage and a proud one at that. 

Each and every one of us born, has a heritage, we just have to know what it is. 

On Monday we will celebrate the Bermuda Half Marathon and all that it represents - Sir Stanley Burgess, Calvin Hansey, Merenette Bean and many, many others - all of whom have contributed to Bermuda's heritage. We have a heritage indeed. 

As a child growing up my parents, and especially my grandmothers, always instilled in me to love who I am and most of all where I come from.

They talked about the elders of the family, relatives I had never met, but felt so connected with because they were kept alive and vivid as my grandparents reminisced about them. 

They taught me that my elders were my heritage, the legacy of who I am, where I come from and where I am destined to go. 

I always knew that I had a proud heritage; that I had better consider myself 'privileged' to come from such grand roots; and indeed I do. I take nothing for granted! Hence I will continue my heritage and pass on my legacy. I will never stop telling about my beloved elders: my Granny Stubbs and Granny-Mommy Minors, my beloved Anita Ming and Lenny Tuckett, my Aunt Livvy, Aunt Pat, Uncle George, Aunt Ena ... oh yes, my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren too will constantly hear of those beloved elders, they will hear of their tactics, their journey and most of all their wisdom.

The strength and potency of my heritage runs thick and deep through my veins; it is my morals; my strengths and my aspirations. 

It is why I do what I do and why I don't! I met Mrs. Doars the other day at the celebration of the life of my beloved friend Brenda. I went up to her and asked if she remembered me - now Mrs. Doars taught me in Sunday school at Salvation Army when I was a child. 

She looked at me and said: "Of course. You are one of our own - you belong to the Army!" I felt so good, because despite my choice of religion today, Mrs. Doars still claimed me. This indeed is my heritage!

Heritage is an interesting word. One meaning translates as something somebody is born to, the status, conditions, or character acquired by being born into a particular family or social class. 

Another meaning, which I love, is riches of the past; a country's or area's history and historical buildings and sites that are considered to be of interest and value to present generations. 

We further define heritage as being something passing from generation to generation.

From the above meanings of heritage I cannot see how anyone can say we, Bermuda, does not have a heritage. 

We just need to know our heritage and be proud of it. Let no one fool you, we do have a proud heritage.

On talking with Neil at the Lunchcart over a fishcake the other day, he mentioned how when growing up neighbours were such that you called them aunt and uncle. One neighbour gave us cookies, another gingerbread and so on - this is our Bermuda Heritage. 

Everyone was to be a pond dog; the Gombeys no doubt came from around the pond and this is our heritage. 

Both in the Bible and the Holy Quran, the lineage of the prophets is always mentioned, usually with very long narratives, which is testimony to the importance of heritage.

You have to know where you come from, in order to get to where you are going. 

In being proud of our heritage, we must however respect the heritage of others and let them rejoice in their heritage as you rejoice in yours. 

The Quran sums up beautifully the true meaning of heritage as it speaks of human equality: "O mankind! We created you from a single soul, male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, so that you may come to know one another. Truly, the most honoured of you in God's sight is the greatest of you in piety. God is All-Knowing, All-Aware." (49:13) 

Bermuda, have a bermudaful, beautiful, safe and harmonious Bermuda Day![[In-content Ad]]


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JUL 30, 2014: It marked the end of an era as our printers and collators produced the very last edition of the Bermuda Sun.



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