January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.
Help for religious teachers to combat student boredom
Why is this seminar so necessary especially for Sunday school teachers, Bible study leaders, parents and school instructors?
Walk Thru the Bible, an international ministry in over 80 countries and 30 languages, did a survey in various countries around the world to ask: ‘What was the greatest problem that students faced which hindered teaching?’
The answer was the same from the Americas to Africa, from Asia to Australia, which was summarised in one word…. boredom!
As a result this seminar was developed to make a difference in the body of Christ and any teacher or communicator who would attend.
The number one reason why people were dropping out of Sunday School and loose interest sometimes when we teach was because at times we can bore people as we communicate.
However, what if there was a seminar that would teach you and those you know who stand before the classroom or small home groups, the seven principles of teaching with style?
Well, there is! Teaching with Style has been proven to make a lasting difference in the classroom.
As a certified Instructor under Walk Thru the Bible, I will be bringing this affordable seminar to Bermuda to help us all teach God’s Word in a dynamic way empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We will learn that it is actually a sin to bore people with God’s Word.
After all, God’s Word is living and active. We should all firmly believe that biblical teaching should be the most exciting on planet earth.
This is because no matter where you are in life… you can apply it.
Teachers don't want to bore their students, but it can happen so easily when their principals, personality, and methodology are not infused with God’s style.
Participants will learn among other things how to think on their feet, overcome fear, and listen to their students. They will also discover that their external style is ultimately determined by their internal convictions.
The seminar is designed to slay the four giants that come up against any teacher or communicator: the giants of intimidation, inhibition and indifference.
Each of these giants whispers things to us to keep our teaching ineffective. The message of the giant of intimidation is, “When teaching, don't take many risks.”
If you listen to the giant of inhibition you will conclude, “I've been doing it this way for a long time. Why change now?”
And the giant of indifference will lead you to say, “It doesn't really matter what I say or do. These folks are just waiting to go home and turn on the TV anyway.”
Let’s slay these giants together as we learn the seven principles of teaching for lasting life-change.
The goal of Teaching With Style is to help godly communicators communicate like God.
After all, isn't He the one that used a rainbow, a burning bush, a flood, a talking donkey, and countless parables and illustrations in the New Testament?
God is never dull or boring — just the opposite!
Is it too much of a stretch to say that Christians should pattern their communication after Him?
It is my hope that this seminar will produce more creative and exciting Sunday school teachers, Bible Study leaders, and so on, all around our Island.
I encourage you to join me on February 19 at CedarBridge Academy Cafeteria as we learn about how to teach with style.
How do you teach in a way that is engaging, memorable and dynamic? This seminar is for all communicators and teachers.
Don’t miss the seven principles that will revolutionize the way you teach!
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