January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Forgive and show it to those who have hurt you

Postpone your worship of God until you put right what your ‘brother’ has against you

By Meredith Ebbin- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

This series explores teachings of Jesus that actually surprised the people who were listening to Him. We will learn about kingdom living and the vital importance of maintaining unity this week. Jesus gives a teaching on how we are to love one another that is so powerful that it will cause us to live our lives in a totally different manner. Sadly, it is probably as unpopular today as it was when He uttered the words. Let's look at Matthew 5:21-24....

 "You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.' But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, 'Raca,' is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, 'You fool!' will be in danger of the fire of hell.

Be reconciled

"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother; then come and offer your gift."

Jesus teaches that we need to be very careful not only about how we treat others, but also what we say to or about them. I realize more and more that there are no "confidential" sides of the Christian life.

To God, we are always an open book. He even tells us that He will expose every part of our hearts and look directly at our motives (1 Corinthians 4:4-6).

Throughout the Bible there are so many warnings of being sensitive to the things we do, even to the smallest things we say and think! Slandering or talking behind a someone's back, doing "good" things for the purpose of being noticed, hating or holding a grudge against someone in our heart... are just a few examples. God desires that we live in complete unity, in "kingdom living" unity.


Jesus' teaching about righteousness emphasizes some important points about murder. People pride themselves that they have not literally killed anyone. Jesus shocks the people in the crowd - and us - with His interpretation of Scripture: if you hate someone in your heart you commit murder! This is a powerful reality!

Many in the crowd thought it was acceptable to act like they "liked" a person, when in their hearts they really "hated" and had "terminated" them. Instead, Jesus warned them to expect judgment; that warning is also applicable today if we are guilty of a similar action.

Showing forgiveness

Jesus wants us to forgive and show that forgiveness in how we treat those who have hurt us. I am amazed how much resentment and anger Christians bottle up inside while thinking that they will have a fruitful Christian life. God says the quickest way to put yourself in a "prison of torture" is by harbouring unforgivingness against someone when God has forgiven us of all of our sin (Matthew 28:21-35).

People forget that one of the most powerful acts that brings people to Jesus Christ and breaks the chains of further sin is forgiveness. In 1 Corinthians, Chapter 13, known as the love chapter, Paul reminds us that love keeps no record of wrongs.

Matthew 5:23-24 needs some scrutiny. I admit that I have gained a new understanding of these verses. Oftentimes we can accept an "understood" interpretation of a passage without really reading and applying it afresh. This passage is a case in point. Jesus teaches very specific and practical things in these verses.

First, He sets the stage of our bearing an offering for God in worship. Jesus calls a gift, it is something that we offer to God. Many times we think that God is the One who is supposed to serve us; rather, we should be serving Him. We think that God's purpose is to meet our "gimmys" and "wants", but the Word of God makes it very clear that we can also give something to God. We can give Him a sacrifice of praise; we can sing to Him; we can bring Him glory by how we treat our spouse, children, or friends.

Something against you

Then Jesus says if you are in the process of offering God a gift, and you remember that your brother has something against you, stop worshipping Him, and go to your brother or sister.

Now this is what I would usually miss in this passage: I interpreted this passage to be like those in Matthew 18 in which someone does something against me.

Looking at it afresh, however, gave me a richer understanding: this verse pertains to someone having something against you! In other words, although your conscience is clear and you hold no bitterness in your heart, Jesus teaches you to be mindful of your brother.

If you remember that he has something against you, you are to go to him and make it right! This is so important to God that He is willing for you to postpone the gift you are offering Him, your worship, in order to make it right!

Now that's powerful! Unity is so important to God's heart that without it we dilute the love of God; without it, we would have no witness; without it we will have no real joy.

The context of this passage is for Christians to other Christians because He calls the person a "brother".

Notice this does not mean that you are to approach every person on planet earth that may have something against you; He refers to brothers and sisters in Christ.

If we are truly going to live like we are part of the kingdom, we must put this passage into practice. We must be a people that love one another from the heart.

You have heard the shocking teaching of Jesus. You must reach out to others, even if you don't have anything against them, Jesus is waiting for your return to worship, so hurry and make it right...be reconciled and as a result come to a full understanding of why we are celebrating Jesus' birth!

Pastor Gary C. Simons serves as Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Bible Fellowship, 82 Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda

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