January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Don't blame God if your desires lead you astray

Our own evil desire is the source of our sin, not temptation by God

By Meredith Ebbin- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

The book of James in the New Testament answers the question, "How can I be mature in Christ?" It is a book filled with very clear ways on how to live so that you escape an ordinary Christian life. Last week we learned what it truly means to be happy. This week we address the question, "Who Is Really Doing the Tempting?"

Let's look at the timeless words of James 1:13-15...

When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone; but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

As I think of all the trials and turmoil in life, I don't think anyone gets blamed for things more than God. The book of James addresses the God-blame syndrome by saying that when one is tempted to do the wrong thing; he should not conclude that it is God who is tempting him.

James corrects that line of thinking by explaining that God cannot be tempted by evil and nor does He tempt anyone to do evil. The real source of temptation is... ourselves.

The Word of God reveals that each one of us is tempted by his or her own evil desire. Desire leads us into sin. The heart is known as the "seat of affection", or, as we might say today, "the place where desires reside". Our evil desire, originating in our heart, is what actually "seizes" or captures us, causing us to succumb or surrender to sin.

Let's look closely at the progression in the verse. "Each one is tempted when, by his own desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin..."

Notice that the emphasis is on the actual desire; the enticement or temptation follows the desire, and that ultimately leads to the action or sin. Jesus was also very clear about this in His teachings. In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said it is the man who hates his brother in his heart that commits murder; it's the man who lusts after a woman other than his wife that commits adultery. Jesus focused on the heart and so does James in this passage.

"Each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed." The words dragged away and enticed paint a very vivid picture in the original language of the text. It actually is terminology that's associated with hunting and fishing.

The scene locked in this verse suggests that, as hunters, we've baited a trap - and caught ourselves! Or, as fishermen, we've baited the hook, thrown the line overboard, and jumped in the water to bite our own hook! We are both hunter and prey; we have no one to blame but ourselves.

The progression of the verse continues: desire then conceives. This is another vivid illustration. Just as when the sperm meets the egg, leading to cell division and ultimately, a child, so it is when we entertain an evil desire. It is only a matter of moments before that evil desire brings about the conception of the child of sin... and sin, when grown, will lead to death.

Keep in mind that "death" in the Bible means "separation". How many marriages, relationships, ministries, and jobs have come to an end (met their death) because of the sin of lust or selfishness or dishonesty...and they all have the common denominator called an 'evil desire'.

It's time to grow up and stop blaming other people and circumstances for what we do today. We have to realize that God makes it clear who is the source of the choices we make: the source is ourselves. If we continue to blame the wrong source, we will continue to do the same wrong actions. However, if we reflect on our behaviour we realize that our wrong actions have, at their root, our own wrong or evil desires. With this knowledge we can turn and go to God to obtain the help we need to walk in His ways.

I recall Albert Einstein's definition of insanity: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

If you are finding yourself doing the same sin over and over again, understand that there must be a fundamental shift in how we are dealing with it.

Always remember that true repentance does not begin when you are about to commit the action, rather, true repentance is confessing to God your evil desire right from the start. Try it this week if you know Jesus as your personal Saviour. You will experience a new level of victory as you grow closer in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Pastor Gary C. Simons serves as the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Bible Fellowship, 82 Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda, HM12.

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