January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Depositing good deeds into your account will save you

By Walter S. Saul - | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Your money is safe in the Bank! Laughing all the way to the bank! Money and banks are synonymous with success, or so we thought up until now! If your money is in the bank, is it really safe? With fraud and failing markets can we be so sure? Laughing all the way to the bank these days does not have the same connotation as before. No, but for all intensive purposes, if you bank with any of the prestigious banks in Bermuda, your money is safe!

Money is not the saviour

But if you think about it, did you ever think it would come a time, when money could not save you. My Granny Stubbs constantly told me from the time I developed a concept (and unfortunately love of money) that money could not save me.

She imparted to me the value of having money, saving it and treating it as a tool and not an obsessive part of my life; Granny gave me the key to the balance of it all. She also told me that one day money would have no value; and she always said "you cannot eat money - remember that!". How wise that lady was, because whatever she told me, eventually I would come to see the light of it all.

Her words "you cannot eat money" are very profound to me. Because, no matter how much money I have in my pocket or purse, if I am hungry and cannot get to a grocery store or restaurant, I will continue to be hungry. Food is needed to satisfy my hunger and sustain my body.

So, I better know how to garden and cook! My great uncle Richard Tuckett made sure I knew how to plant a vegetable or two.

This brings me to believe that what matters is real tangible things and not just promissory notes - because that is all that money is - and we cannot live on promises alone, can we?

We have to learn to store our wealth in what is real and meaningful. We have to get back to basics. We have to bank our wealth in our neighbourly and brotherly love for one another.

We have to get back to nation building. Back in the day, my era use to run around declaring that it was 'nation time', well nation time is not bringing children into this world that we cannot provide for, but to uphold what we have in love and caring for each other.

The other day, whilst driving along, I spotted one of my old neighbours from my childhood, Mrs. Irma Ingham. I didn't have a chance to speak to her, as I was driving, but immediately on seeing her, fond memories raced to my mind. Memories of my friend Joann and I riding our pushbikes and ending up in Mrs. Ingham's flowerbed.

Life lesson

We ruined her flowers, but her only concern was that we were okay. She then proceeded to show us how to garden and we were able to replace the flowers we ruined.

Mrs. Ingham was wise, because she did not let us get away, without learning something valuable - leave things as you found them and the value of flower gardening. Thank you Mrs. Ingham and may God continue to bless you.

I think about all those kind neighbours who taught me so much: Aunt Una Joell of Angle Street (howdy Dale), Mrs. Marion Johnson, Mrs. Annie Tucker, Mrs. Cann, Aunt Celeste - all good Warwick people; people we need to emulate by taking a page from their book.

Instead of chasing and cursing the neighbourhood children who can be bothersome to us, let us take a minute to talk to them, encourage them and teach them a thing or two - they will remember you always and your account in the bank of good deeds will be full and fruitful.

Your wealth is your kind deeds to your fellowman, the imparting of generosity, kindness and beneficial teaching, especially to the children.

Profit motive

In the times of Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) there was a severe famine. All the people of Madinah were suffering due to the shortage of food. A caravan made up of a thousand camels loaded with a large stock of food grains belonging to Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) arrived from Shaam (Syria).

Several merchants offered to buy all of it. He asked them what profit they would pay. "Five per cent," they said. He answered that he could get higher profit than that. They began to argue with him, saying that they did not know of any merchant who would offer him more than their quote.

He said to them, "I know of one who repays a profit of more than seven hundred to a dirham (Arabian currency)." He then recited the verse of the Noble Quran in which Allah Almighty mentioned this profit. "The likeness of those who spend their wealth in the Way of Allah, is as the likeness of a grain (of corn); it grows seven ears, and each ear has a hundred grains. Allah gives manifold increase to whom He pleases. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knower." (2:261).

"O traders! Bear witness with me that I donate all this to the poor people of Madinah!" said Uthman (Radiallahu Anhu).

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