January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Children, like seeds, need nurturing and protecting

God’s gift must be disciplined and trained so they can reach their full potential

By Rev. Dr. Maria Seaman- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

What kinds of seeds are being planted in Bermuda? No, I am not talking about the apple seed, orange seed, or lemon seed. I am speaking about the type of offspring we are cultivating. Okay, perhaps cultivating is not humane enough. Then let us look at the type of children that are being raised in Bermuda. Better yet, let us go to the Word of God to figure it all out.

Proverbs 1:2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; to give subtlety to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels.


Children are very similar to seeds. They come in different sizes, weights, and colours and have varying amounts of hidden potential inside of them.

There are all sorts of children in Bermuda. Like seeds, each child is filled with an automatic potential for life. Like seeds, each child has within him what he needs to succeed. That is, as long as he is trained in the correct manner to be all that he can be.

It is true that the times we live in are the most challenging ever. This will always be the case for each generation. Yet, the truth of the matter still remains that each seed/child can succeed. It all depends on the soil type, the water type, the nutrient type, and the type of care each germinating seed receives.

Let's focus on the care of the seed. With the natural seed, the gardener will be sure to manage the water supply, get rid of the weeds and bugs, and prune the shrub if need be.

With our children, we must do the same. We should:

n Water their lives with positive words and surround them with love. The truth is that even when child rearing goes seemingly wrong, it is the water (pure water) of love which will eventually draw that child back into a place of obedience and then blessings.

n Watch out for what enters the environment of our child. The child will grow. However, our concern must be, how the child will grow and the direction in which the child will grow. When we permit negative influences to enter into the space where our child resides, we have in essence given license for a negative influence to become the mentor or model for our child.

Bermuda, we cannot blame outside influences for the destruction of our children, when we were the ones who opened the door and permitted those negative influences.

Parents, we must weed out those things and those persons who will not help our child to grow tall and strong and always toward light.

Yes, it is true. Seeds eventually begin to grow and bloom in the direction of natural light, and if we take good care of our seed/our child he too will grow towards the light. What is the light? Light refers to that which adds brilliance, hope, and good cheer to the lives of the child.

Light refers to that which allows a child to believe in himself and live to see his dreams come true. The ultimate light is the glorious Light of the world, Jesus Christ. Can you imagine the better state Bermuda would be in, if we gave God space, place, and grace in our lives, as we should? But no, we have settled for false lights and are attempting to raise our children without the direction found in the pure light of the Word of God.

Prune our children

This pruning is a necessary shaping of the perimeter of our child's life. This pruning will always be seen as unfair and even painful. We cannot allow the complaints about pruning to hinder this necessary process. Remember, the pruning makes way for greater growth. Pruning is the discipline or training we apply in the lives of our children so that they will have the opportunity of maximum growth in the future.

Bermuda, our children do deserve to grow as much as possible. Let's become responsible parents or gardeners and see to it that they have the best future possible. The children we have are gifts. So, the questions become, "How have we handled our gift?  How have we nurtured our seed? Are we even watching them grow? Do we desire for our children to grow, and grow taller and stronger and healthier than we ever did?"

Each parent must begin to critically examine his efforts in raising children. Each parent must look at his seed and then take a closer look at what he has created.  Perhaps if we as adults take responsibility for what we have or have not done, then we can begin to make changes and shift in another direction.

Bermuda, all is not lost. No. Jesus, the Light of the world, is yet available and ready to enter into our world and bring about a wonderful planting of our children. Jesus will cause there to be proper germination in the lives of our children. Bermuda, our children really do deserve better.

Let us do better with them and for them, and watch Bermuda become a better place. Jesus is still the answer for the world today. Above Him there is no other. Jesus is The Way.[[In-content Ad]]


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