January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.
time to grow up series on james chapter 1: part 3

Blessings come from persevering through trials

God will not ‘crush’ you but will help you endure all that is to come

By Meredith Ebbin- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

The book of James in the New Testament answers the question, "How can I be mature in Christ?" It is a book filled with very clear ways on how to live so that you escape an ordinary Christian life. This week I am entitling the topic we're studying, "Do You Want to Be Blessed?"

Let's look at the timeless words of James 1:12...

"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."

There are many more awards offered today than in previous history. We have the Grammy, Academy, Stella, Oscar, Olympic medals, and many others ... however, the whole idea of awards and rewards did not begin with man. God has an award system built into the Christian life that is quite fascinating. While the Bible says that we can do nothing without Jesus Christ (John 15), it also states that God will reward us for everything that we do - even though it is really God doing it through us!


In today's verse James says, blessed - or happy - is the man or woman who perseveres under trial. The words that James uses here are quite important. In fact, they remind me of 1 Corinthians 10:13...

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

You may think that the problems your family has or what you are going through are unique, but this verse reminds us that we have no licence to hold a 'pity party'. It reads that no temptation, problem, hard time, or trial has 'seized' you except what someone else has gone through or is going through or is about to go through. Notice that the Bible gives no room for highlighting the problem; rather, we are to highlight the Lord.

Trials really do 'seize' us! Imagine if we got a notice on our "Face Book wall" or letter or email or text from heaven - or even hell for that matter - warning us that we are about to experience one of the most difficult trials of our lives. But, we don't. Trials seize us; hard times often come without any notice.

The verse above holds a promise: God is faithful and He will not allow you to experience something that is beyond what you can handle! He will make a way out so that you don't have to give in, but you can stand up under it. Notice, the promise is not that the trial vanishes. The verse says you are not over it - the trial is still there above you - but you will be able to endure it; even though the hard time exists and is above you, it will not crush you. God will provide a way for you to persevere through it.

James 1:12 says that blessed is the man or woman who perseveres under (there's that word again) trial. Don't miss this teaching... Although most of us live trying to be 'free' from problems and hard times, the Bible actually says that hard times will come. The point of praying sometimes is not that God will remove it, but that we would stand firm under it! How many times do we pray the first half of Jesus' prayer, for God to remove the 'cup' of trial from us? How many of us continue and say, 'not my will but your will be done'?

Remember, outlook determines outcome. If you have the right vision of your trial, you are more likely to have a greater outcome. The book of James talks to Christians and not unbelievers. Using athletic terminology James says to Christians that they will be rewarded when they go through hard times with a right heart without getting bitter, frustrated, or angry.

What award does God have in store for those who endure the test? A crown! Although there are many crowns in the Bible, the one James refers to is the crown given to those who love Him - a crown of life, a crown that represents what true living is all about!

Finally, James makes a very powerful point qualifying our perseverance through hard times. As we stand under and go through the trial that matures and grows us, we need to analyze our motivation for keeping on: we need to be motivated by love.

The verse reads, "...to those who love him." James does not use the word "obey".... or "trust"....or "surrender. James says "love". Love should be the motivating factor for all that we do. If - and because - we love God we will obey, we will trust, and we will surrender.

Learn to press on in hard times, not because you have to or it is expected or you should conform. Press on because you want to, because love for Him is so great!

Pastor Gary C. Simons serves as the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Bible Fellowship, 82 Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda, HM12.

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