January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Berkeley scholars point the way to a better future

By Rev. Dr. Maria Seaman- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Last week I spent a couple of hours at the Prize-giving ceremony of The Berkeley Institute. The quote that comes to mind as I write this column is, "Hope springs eternal." To sit and listen to the remarks of focused and directed students made my heart feel so happy. Once again, that familiar phrase of Barak Obama came to mind, "Yes, we can!"

From the beginning until the completion of the evening, my heart was warmed as I watched the current students of my Alma Mater, The Berkeley Institute, participate and show forth their talents with pride and dignity. Yes, the GREEN and GOLD were proudly represented that night.

On that evening, I took particular notice of the different songs I heard. As the ceremony was actually preparing to begin, the keyboardist was playing, "Oh How Marvellous You Are to Me". I sat and wondered how many in the audience knew that we were sitting under soothing music, which was giving honour and glory to our marvellous God. It set the right tone; the right spirit, for what was to come.

As the ceremony began, we were treated with a selection from the Berkeley School Choir, singing "One Moment in Time". As I listened to the choir sing, I was drawn and indeed captivated by the fact that as I was living that very moment, it was my moment in time. I prayed that each student and even every parent understood that every moment that we have the gift of life and every moment we have the ability to have conscious thought becomes our one moment in time.

As I gazed at the stage there was a sign with two quotes on it. The first quote was, "We are the change we seek." Isn't this quote wonderful, as it encourages each individual to become that which we desire others to become?

This quote reminded me of another quote that has always been important to me, "To thine ownself be true; And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man." (Shakespeare's Hamlet). I do believe that as we live in this world, walking in honesty and integrity, we will most definitely become that which we desire others to be.

I also believe that as we accept change as a continuum, we will continue to allow ourselves to change and graduate to becomeĀ our new self. Hence, as we become, we anticipate that others will arrive at this same place of being who they really are.

Now the second sign read, "Great results begin with great expectations". Here, again, we are encouraged to move forward. As I listened to student after student, I was simply enamoured by the dreams and visions each had.

Their confidence and their conviction to complete future goals were wonderful. The students were articulate and unwavering. My prayer is that they will yet remain resolute as they face the inevitable obstacles towards accomplishing their lofty and worthwhile goals. I remind all, "Yes, we can!"


The honour students of The Berkeley Institute certainly have great expectations! I believe that one of the greatest realities of that night was the fact that in a public school system, that has been much berated, there was glaring evidence that something must be right about our educators and educational system. How can that which is deemed by so many an absolute failure and travesty, birth forth the minds of such a wonderful group of students. Bermuda, there is something that we cannot miss here.

Perhaps as Dr. Henry Johnson sat through this prize giving ceremony, he realized that the success of our educational system has less to do with the product and more to do with the participants. Perhaps.

Perhaps, he will stop and take a good look at what we can do to help shape and encourage parents who have no idea how to parent. Though there are no set rules on how to raise children correctly, there are prevailing truths.

If we teach them to love themselves and to love others, if we really teach them The Golden Rule, and if we discipline them early, we will have a good start to a better future for our children.

Today, I salute all scholars and their parents. I salute the parents because they are certainly nurturing their children to "Keep The End In View." That night, I was once again proud to be an alumnus of The Berkeley Institute.

For there were students giving their all, in order to become all that they can be. Thanks to each of those students that simply reminded me that where there is a will to do the right thing, the way will unfold. Respice Finem.[[In-content Ad]]


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