January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Be the spiritual light that shines in the darkness

Our light has to illuminate and penetrate areas where God is not accepted

By Meredith Ebbin- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

We are learning about the teachings of Jesus that surprised the people listening to Him. Because Jesus focused more on the heart of man than external actions, His teaching was fresh and liberating. Last week we noted that Jesus said we are the salt of the earth. God needs us to be in the world as salt - to preserve it, to add godly flavour when speaking, and to make people thirsty for God. This week we look at another striking analogy...

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:14-16

In speaking to a diverse crowd of people about the Kingdom of God Jesus says that we are the light of the world. When the Bible speaks of "the world" it refers not to the lakes, mountains, or forests of nature, but rather to the Greek word "cosmos" or "world system". "Cosmos" used here means the people in the world, most of whom, incidentally, do not follow God or His commands. When Jesus says that we are the light of the world, it means that we must radiate in a place of darkness. Let's look at three important points in this metaphor.

First, we are in a world that is "dark". The world system is so far away from God, that the Bible uses the "darkness" to bring a clear image of where people are spiritually. The world is in spiritual darkness because many do not understand who God is. They do not realize that God sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins, and that after He shed His blood and died, Jesus was buried and rose again from the dead.

Because of the lack of belief and understanding, there may be hundreds of people with whom we come into contact in a given week who are walking around in spiritual darkness, or who are spiritually dead in their sins. (Sin, as you know, is wrong thinking and wrong actions against God).

When, however, a person accepts Jesus Christ as personal Saviour, notice that God does not take them out of the world, but rather leaves them in the world to serve as light to others who are lost in darkness. Essentially, a believer is to be the beam of a flashlight in a dark room.

Our second truth is: Light always dispels darkness! From a spiritual perspective, when you walk into a room as a child of God, you may be a light in the darkness. Light illuminates a path so that people do not stumble, brightens a room so that people can see, and deters the occurrence of danger. God wants US to dispel the "darkness" that is all around us.

Notice Jesus emphasizes the principle so that we cannot escape what He has made us...light. Just as a city on hill cannot be hidden so we cannot hide from the fact that God has called us to impact our world and lead people to Jesus. Many times Christians try to blend into the world and be like everyone else, but with this statement Jesus says, 'No... you are different.... so stand up and live for me!' He also states that no one lights a lamp and then covers it up. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of turning on a light in the first place? The purpose of light is so that EVERYONE can see.

With His third point Jesus likens light to works. These "works" are the good deeds that we do which intensify the light that God has placed in us. In other words, things we do can be a great witness for those who do not know Jesus Christ. Imagine the impact of someone who visits a person forgotten in prison, or one who helps another through a difficult situation, or who aids a family in crisis.

There are countless ways that our light can shine, and shine more brightly, in order to bring about the result that God desires. Found in the last part of this passage, Jesus says your light has a purpose...so that people will see the good that you do and praise God in heaven! Your good works (your light) will be seen by others and will so impact and penetrate their (dark) hearts that it will bring them to see Jesus Christ (The Light), and therefore lead them to become worshippers (fellow light-givers) of God.

Over the last three weeks we have learned from Matthew, Chapter 5, that... God says to become part of His kingdom you just have to want a relationship with God; Jesus says that once you know God, you must be salt, making people thirsty for God; and, as light, your good works will draw people to God. Jesus teaches that when we come to know Him we will be used to draw others to Him as well. Are you, in a very practical way, salt and light? If not, don't be purposeless; start creating thirst and light the way for many who so desperately need Him.

The striking part of this teaching is that salt and light are not what you are to become; salt and light simply describe your life as God made you to be! So... let your light shine!

Pastor Gary C. Simons serves as Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Bible Fellowship, 82 Church Street, Hamilton, Bermuda

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