January 30, 2013 at 5:54 p.m.

Be thankful to Allah that Hurricane Bill did no harm

By Walter S. Saul - | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Again we have been blessed and highly favoured! Our wonderful, merciful and compassionate God has once again spared us. Last weekend, we were preparing and bracing ourselves to battle against, what was forecast as gale force winds; which could only conjure up in one's mind, destruction and devastation. I'm sure most of the hardware stores did a booming business in selling hurricane paraphernalia. Yes, Hurricane Bill was certainly a threat to our beautiful island home.

The effects of Hurricane Bill proved to be so gentle, just a light touch of what he could do. Bill was playing with us, just messing about, and causing us no harm, at least not compared to what could have been done. I wonder to whom do we owe this mercy. Is it the weather forecasters, who warned us so ahead of time so that we could prepare to battle Bill's blows or was it the hardware stores, which had in supply all the hurricane paraphernalia we demanded?

Who should we be thankful too? I suppose we can say all of the above - as without being forewarned, we could not have been forearmed. The suppliers had all that we needed, after all the hadith says to "tie your camel" meaning that we should always take extra precaution as well as pray. Well, I for one prayed a lot last weekend and God answers sincere prayer. I believe that prayer, together with proactiveness gets things done, after all God helps those who help themselves.

I am firm in my belief that it is Allah, the Lord of mercy, bestowing upon us in Bermuda once again, His compassion, by sparing us what could have been Bill's devastation. Instead, Allah showed and bestowed His mercy upon us and sent Bill on his way without loss of life, limb or devastation to Bermuda.

What should we make of this people of Bermuda. Should we shrug our shoulders and think nothing of it ... no big deal. Should we, people of Bermuda even be thankful and if we are, to whom should we be thankful to?

I can tell you, I for one am thankful to the one true and the living God, the God of the Universe, the Disposer of all affairs. To Him I give my unequivocal thanks and gratitude. I note and I know from the devastation that takes place all around the world, and I am surely paying attention, and hence am convinced that Bermuda is blessed and highly favoured by the Supreme God of the Universe.

However, we should never take Allah's mercy for granted.

One of the fundamental components of a person's relationship with Allah is worship. As one's heart is filled with gratitude to one's benefactor, one expresses indebtedness, humility, and surrenders to Him. The natural response for receiving anything, whether it be object or abstract, should be repaid with thanks. Any one owing a debt of gratitude to another expresses these feelings with appropriate actions and words, as one failing to show thanks in an appropriate way is considered ungrateful and undeserving. Usually anyone who does good to another is usually held in high esteem by the receiver of favours.

One should reflect gratitude to Allah by way of surrendering humbly and fully to Him. In doing so, one acts in a natural way and will be blessed with tranquility and spiritual contentment and assured of His eternal blessings.

The gratitude we owe to Allah is shown in our worship and obedience to Him. Allah does not ask much of us compared to what He does for us. In Islam, the surah Al Fatihah (1:5) is a surah of gratitude, in that we are expressing our worship to Allah uttering "We worship You alone." It is no mistake that we are required by Allah to recite this surah in every obligatory salat, thereby ensuring our gratitude to Allah is given, as well as ensuring Allah's pleasure and blessings. Allah loves the grateful. Allah has prescribed certain forms for expressing our gratitude, and these forms are approved by Him. These accrue numerous blessings to us.

Also throughout the Quran, it is shown that worship is synonymous with the expression of gratitude to Allah. For example, "Worship Allah and be among His grateful servants"(Az-Zumar 39:66).

Our worship does not profit God in any way, and our refusal to worship Him does not harm Him in the least. However, when we are ungrateful and thankless, we are likely to become heartless, ruthless and self important, these unsavoury characteristics will only incur the loss of Allah's benefits and blessings. Bermuda, we know what we must do to keep our blessings flowing. Be like Nike and just "do it!" Take heed of the words of the Quran: "So seek your provision from Allah, and serve Him, and give thanks unto Him" (Al-`Ankabut 29:17). Peace be unto you.

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The Bermuda Sun bids farewell...

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