August 15, 2013 at 9:01 p.m.
Revealing... Makeem’Haz’ Bartley

I’m a meek, sleek, geek - how’s that?

I’m a meek, sleek, geek - how’s that?
I’m a meek, sleek, geek - how’s that?

By Sarah [email protected] | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Makeem Bartley, better known as ‘Haz’,is an aspiring rapper/singer/poet. He loves writing, making new concepts, playing ukulele and being in the studio. He is also a member of the online group Bermemes. Very recently, he was picked to fly to Chicago, Illinois to compete in a poetry competition/festival called ‘Brave New Voices’ to represent Bermuda and ‘meet all sorts of people from around the world’. He and his poetry team ChewSlam will perform at Chewstick on August 24th from 8pm. (Interview by Sarah Lagan).


When did you last laugh out loud? 

Ironically, at work, where I took a break to find my friends "office-chair jousting" in the hallways... 

Your earliest memory? 

Being three, looking into the fridge and seeing a full pitcher of Kool-Aid, attempting to carry it and unfortunately, tipping the whole pitcher all over me and crying while my parents laughed hysterically. 

What were you like in school? 

I was always the mediator between cliques; the kid who never cared who was "cool" and just happened to hang with whoever I thought was a good person. 

Who is your hero/heroine? 

There are many role models in my life. One would be Yesha Townsend, coach of the ChewSlam team I'm on. 

Human trait you value most in others? 

Being genuine. For the most part, we're so scared to be truthful and "vulnerable" and instead act heartless because it's more convenient. 

Which cartoon character would you be? 

I've always wanted to be Johnny Bravo; the perfect combination of suave and dorky! Minus the "living-with-my-mom-at-a-reasonable-age" part.

Do you believe in fate? 

As much as I pretend not to, the universe keeps throwing me reasons to believe. So yes! 

Your greatest fear? 

Getting lost anywhere outside of Bermuda. 

Most embarrassing moment? 

I get embarrassed all the time. Not sure if I can pick ONE. 

Your ultimate ambition? 

To be self-sufficient and make music for a living. I don't really need millions to do what I love. 

Your most unappealing habit? 

The apparently disgusting sound I make when scratching my throat. 

Describe yourself in three words.

 "Meek Sleek Geek". How's that?

Best party you’ve ever been to? 

Probably way back, at one of my best friend Shoshun's 16th birthday party, where I performed with The Cool Kids, my favourite rap duo... ever. 

Biggest regret? 

Probably never attempting to make a move on the millions of crushes I've had... and still I do it. 

Closest you’ve ever come to death? 

Well, recently, on my flight from Philadelphia to Chicago, there was so much turbulence that I thought it was the end for me. No joke. 

Your desert island song? 

Great question! Probably Bahamas by Sir Michael Rocks (one half of The Cool Kids duo). 

What animal would you be and why? 

A shark because being at the top of a food chain must be so convenient!

What do you do if you can’t sleep? 

Write. Write. Write. Whether it be lyrics, tabs, or poetry. And I constantly think of my future.

If you had a time machine, where would you go? 

Wherever I find myself known enough to be considered a serious artist. It just has to happen.

Your most memorable dream? 

Since a kid, I've had reoccurring dreams of being forcefully drafted into an army and getting shot... 

Best advice you have ever taken? 

To make my own path in life. Wisdom derives from making mistakes and learning from them.

If you weren’t a rapper/singer what would you be? 

I really have no idea. Probably a hermit.

What do you like best about your appearance? 

I'd have to say either my smile or my eyes.

Nicest thing anyone has ever said to you? 

Ever? I've been told that one of my songs Cold Chillin' is played daily. 

What’s your best joke? 

Anything anti-feminist. Not to be confused with sexist.

Most treasured possession? 

I'm not so caught up in material, but if I had to choose? My collection of bowties. 

A dream location for a home? 

Taus, New Mexico. It's unconventionally beautiful, which is kinda my thing. 

Guilty pleasure? 

My fairly new addiction to Ugly Betty, as masculine as that sounds. 

Favourite film? 

Pacific Rim! It had pretty much all elements needed in a movie! 

Your proudest achievement? 

Both my mixtapes, Eye Opener and No Similes. In the name of a 'normal' achievement, I'd say getting on Vice President's list at Bermuda College, I suppose. 

Most important lesson life has taught you? 

To stop fearing the unknown and conditional and that life continues on after you fail. 

What would you most like to be remembered for? 

My good intentions and of course, my music.


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