August 14, 2013 at 2:09 p.m.

I love wolves and cupcakes, hate spiders and arrogance

I love wolves and cupcakes, hate spiders and arrogance
I love wolves and cupcakes, hate spiders and arrogance

By Mikaela Ian [email protected] | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Between lighting up the airwaves every Saturday afternoon, raising funds for charity and hosting big event, Patrina ‘Power Girl’ O’Connor-Paynter has her hands full. The mother-of-one has had a busy summer, hosting the Beres Hammond Cup Match concert, Miss Bermuda Pageant, Summer Sundays in the Park, Harbour Nights and more.

She spends her days as the fund development and marketing manager for Big Brother Big Sisters Bermuda.

You can catch her from 2 to 5pm every Saturday on Power 95 yelling “Pom Pom” into the mic while playing old-school reggae.

Patrina was the winner of the 2012 Best of Bermuda Award for Radio DJ /Talk Show Host and was named one of the most Influential Mothers in Bermuda by Bermuda Parent Magazine. The popular DJ enjoys charitable work and makes a point of only involving herself in family-friendly events. She is married to Quincy and mom to 13-year-old Jaquari. Interview by Mikaela Ian Pearman

Your earliest memory? 

I was three years old at St. Paul’s nursery and they put me on stage to sing Johnny Mathis’s song “When a child is born” and from then on I fell in love with the stage… and have been living on one ever since! 

What were you like in school? 


Who is your hero/heroine? 

In reality my mom — in dreamland, Spiderman.

Human trait you dislike the most?

Arrogance! Conceit! Ugh — run away!

Human traits you value most in others? 

Humility and honesty.

Do you believe in fate?

I believe in God’s favour.

Your greatest fear? 

Not fulfilling my true purpose in life… and spiders! Eek!

Most embarrassing moment?

That’s hard since I don’t get easily embarrassed.  Most people would say the high heel race, where I fell flat on my face at Harbour Nights.

Property aside, what’s the most expensive thing you’ve bought? 

I’m a cheap person so I don’t really buy expensive things, just lots of inexpensive stuff. I like a sale.

Your ultimate ambition?

To touch lives in a meaningful way. And to run my own successful business or a media conglomerate.

Your most unappealing habit?

I make this noise with my throat that sounds like a pig. Most times I don’t even realize I’m doing it. I blame it on my allergies. It feels good though.

Anyone you’d like to say ‘sorry’ to?  

The St. George’s Cup Match team and their fans — because the cup is staying in the west!

Worst job you’ve ever done?

A clothing store that sold sweaters — when it’s busy it’s fun but when things are slow it is boring. 

Biggest disappointment?

My son played for the St George’s Mini Cup Match team last year and was MVP. He played a big part in St. George’s winning mini Cup Match in 2012. He remains a St George’s fan… sigh.

Biggest regret? 

Not pushing myself more in high school and trying to fit in.

Closest you’ve ever come to death? 


Your desert island song?

Lenny Kravitz’s Fly Away or Tony Rebel’s If Jah (is standing by my side).

What animal would you be and why?

A wolf — because I like them. When I was in university my apartment was covered with pictures of wolves. 

What do you do if you can’t sleep? 

Get on my i-Pad and play Candy Crush [see page 15] or Pet Rescue Saga or — browse on Instagram or Facebook — you get the picture.

What do you most dislike about you appearance?

At age 37 I have come to terms with my looks and try not to focus on the negative.

What do you like best about your appearance?

Not sure — I am happy with myself.

If you had a travel machine, where would you go? 

I’d go back in time and get to know my ancestors, my family history. 

Best advice you have ever taken? 

Let it go! 

Best party you’ve ever been to?

I think it was at Club 40 on Front Street when it was called Odyssey. 

Most unpleasant exchange you’ve have had with a person?

Probably someone at a foreign call centre, but I won’t say for which company. Frustration!

If you weren’t in marketing/media, what would you be? 

A world traveller, experiencing different cultures and writing about my experiences. 

Which cartoon character is most like you?

Spongebob — he tries to live each day to the fullest and doesn’t hold grudges. 

Tell us a joke

St George’s won the cup… not! 

What keeps you up at night? 

Ideas. For some reason the best ideas come when I am trying to fall asleep.

Guilty pleasures? 

Filet mignon, cupcakes, ice-cream… heaven! 

Proudest achievement? 

My son. Nothing else matters.

If you were a pigeon, who would you poop on? 

Funny thing is a pigeon pooped on me! Maybe someone wished it on me!  

What would you most like to be remembered for? 

For being someone that made a difference in the lives of others. Someone that brought a smile to peoples faces. 

Most important lesson life has taught you? 

God is real. 


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