April 11, 2013 at 10:21 p.m.

God also has a report card on how we live our lives

By Rev. Dr. Maria Seaman- | Comments: 0 | Leave a comment

Report Card time is one of the most stressful times for a student. 

What will it say? How did you do? What will be the consequences of the grades you have received on your report card? 

How will you feel once your parents have read your report card?

Your report card is exactly that. Your report card.

Whatever you do in the classroom will determine your readiness for each and every test you sit. 

No one can sit the test for you. No one can get your grade. 


No, you are registered under your own birth name, your ID was checked at the door, and the exam you will sit is your exam. 

When the test or exam results come back, whatever you did on that test will be what you earned and therefore your report card will be a personalized summary and conclusion of what you have done.

What I just described is associated with the classroom and will have a direct influence on the life you will live. 

Depending on your results, your life will be made easier or more difficult. 

Yet, people of God, as important as the classroom is, I must share with you that the results in the rooms or chambers of your heart are greater than the results of the classroom.  

For you see, depending on your heart and how you answer the questions of life and eternal life, you will either live eternally in Heaven or in Hell. 

John 12:37: But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him:

38 That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed?

39 Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again,

40 He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.

During this life, you will be tested. 

What do you believe?  Who do you believe? When you hear the Word of God, do you tick the box labeled, ‘I believe’ or do you tick the box labelled, ‘I do not believe’?  

When you hear the Gospel message, do you join with it and allow it to become a part of the paragraph of your life and hence a part of your life story, or do you reject it?

Listen, one day, God will present to you your report card of belief. 

It will have your own name on the report. More than your name, it will have your unique DNA fingerprint attached to it. 

There will be no mistakes. It will be your report card. It will be exactly what you prepared for and earned during this time called life. 

Will God graduate you to the next level called Glory or will you be held back to experience the torment of Hell? Judgment Day is coming.   

As Jesus walked the face of the Earth, He became a demonstration of who He was.  

That is, Jesus performed signs and wonders, healed the sick, raised the dead, made blind eyes to see, lame legs to walk, and dumb tongues to talk. 

Jesus manifested healing and miracles wherever He went. 

In other words, as Jesus lived, all who came into contact with Him immediately became a witness of the power and purpose of Jesus. 

For you see, Jesus did not come only to heal the people, but His primary reason was to save people from their sins.Yes, that was the greatest miracle.

It is one thing to be given your sight; it is totally another thing to be given eternal life.  

It is one thing to be made to walk again; it is another thing entirely to be changed so that one day you will walk the streets of glory. 

It is one thing for a tongue to be loosened; it is entirely another thing to be able to know that you will worship Jesus with the angels in glory, singing, ‘Hallelujah to The Lamb of God’.

Eternal life

As Jesus lived on earth, He lived purposely in order to persuade mankind to accept the greatest gift ever given, the gift of eternal life.  

Here is the thing: The people back in His day had the very same challenge as the people of today. 

You see, people do not mind being healed by Jesus. Oh, no! People do not mind, the church praying for them. 

Yet, the greater thing is for the prayed for to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.  

Will you believe Jesus today? One day, based on your response, your report will read true to who you are. 

Choose Jesus today. 

Respice finem. 

Dr Maria A Seaman is the pastor of Shekinah Worship Centre, Hamilton Parish.


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